Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:10
Congrats martin db, alot of people would rather prefer to look at samsung, sony, and panasonic when for alittle bit more you can get a premium tv which is well built with an amazing speaker system built in and a very nice picture to;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:11
Excellent. Good to have another owner hereabouts.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:12
I was in the Loewe Galeria at the weekend looking to buy a 46" Connect ID. The salesman advised me to wait for a bit as there is a new offer coming up for the Connect ID range.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:13
Did he not say what the offer will be???
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:14
Unfortunately not. Maybe another trade in offer?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:14
That sounds like my great experience with the Manchester Galerie. I doubt another shop would've told you that.
The only question is, can you wait?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:15
I know what you mean. I was really keen to buy and even my good lady was well impressed. I suppose that will give her time to pick colours!
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:16
I had an email from the Glasgow Galerie today. The offer is on the 40" and larger Connect ID. It consists of £250 off when you trade in your old TV or a free Loewe Blu-ray player which is worth £799 apparently. I have a 15" LCD TV in the bedroom that doesn't do much but I would tempted if the Blu-ray player can play 3D discs.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:17
Looks like the free BluTech Vision player with the purchase of a Connect ID offer will start at independent retailers on Friday. Going to pop through to Glasgow tomorrow with a few Blu-rays for a longer demo then work on a deal.
We tried the My Id app earlier which uses augmented reality to show you how the TV would look in your room. As a result I think we will be buying the TV with black frame and body.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:08:18
Took the plunge and ordered an all black Connect ID 46" today. Got the black BluTech Vision player included and the comfort stand for £2070. Couldn't make my mind up about 3D glasses but have been offered them for trade price should I want to get them. And after discovering I still use an old Aconda for my retro game systems the sales guy offered me one for free next time one is traded in.
I actually tried a few different televisions today. The Sony HX583 had a good picture but sounded terrible compared to my old Xelos let alone the ID.
The Panasonic L47WT50 was similar to the Sony picture wise but had even poorer sound.
Couldn't find a Philips 9707 to demo but its 8000 series sibling was impressive with better sound than the above sets. But still not what I expect for that kind of money.
Demoed the ID at the Loewe Galerie in Glasgow and was pleased with the lack of pressure to buy. Took through some Blu-ray and DVDs to try as well as some ALAC, and 24-bit FLAC files on a USB drive.
Turned off all processing right away and was surprised to discover it was not on Shop mode but rather set to Home mode. Colour and detail were excellent and motion handling far better than my old Xelos. Interesting to see gaming mode switched on by default as well.
I'll probably get it calibrated properly all the same.
Audio wise this is some setup. Plenty of power and good separation. The 24-bit FLAC recordings sounded great but it wouldn't play the Apple Lossless files though.
The BluTech Vision player seemed easy to use and made a great job of the Blu-rays I had taken with me. Really showed up the poor encoding of Crouching Tiger. I tried one DVD and I'm not sure the scaling was quite as good as my Toshiba HD-DVD player.
Just got to wait for it arriving now.