Amazon Echo - UK Release
So Amazon are holding a press launch tomorrow for what is fully expected to be announcement of the UK release of their Echo device.I am really keen to pick a couple up for their compatibility with Hue, Harmony, IFTTT and (in 2017) Sonos.
Excited to see the outputs from tomorrow, and costs/release date etc.
Anyone else looking forward to this one? Yep, me. Another gadget to buy and play with so me too Amazon's voice controlled assistant, come wireless speaker, the Echo is finally set to launch in the UK, alongside the Echo Dot which can make your existing audio equipment voice controlled as well as being able to control Smart Home devices.
Read the news. Yep, just pre-ordered. A good (limited time) discount for prime members too... Yep a 33% discount! Struggling to justify NOT buying one, despite not having any other installed home automation  I have ended up pre-ordering 2x Echo's and 1x Dot - pleased with the price point and release dates, looking forward to getting my hands on one of these shortly  mines ordered, though the wife is determined to keep it hidden until Christmas 
Strange there is no mention of Nest on the website, and Nest's Twitter team dint even give me a straight answer. Thankfully I spoke to someone on Amazon live chat who confirmed that all Nest products are supported. Yep got me one ordered... Might have to add another or two dots but need to speak to the wife first....ekk..
Great price to get you hooked.. So it does work with Harmony Hubs? This is going to be awesome, might buy a door for the bedroom and then invest in some Philips Hue lights.