Arcam_boy Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:13

Been playing with my camera so thought I'd add a few pictures 





This is going for repair and then maybe a permanent feature in the system but not decided yet 


robertseymour Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:15

Big Change!

Magnepan MMG by RSdesignUK, on Flickr

Magnepan MMG by RSdesignUK, on Flickr

MrAcoustat Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:16

If it's new for you, welcome to the wonderful world of panels, once you've tried them very hard to go back to;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

robertseymour Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:17

Well new as in the first I have owned, heard Apogees, Quad 57 and 63's before though.

Tate Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:18

Sorry for the horrible pictures... my apartment was designed with, literally, zero lighting in the ceiling, so the camera in my phone was barely able to grab these shots.Usually the lighting from the dining room and kitchen lets me get by, but, obviously not for pictures lol.Also, sorry for the cluttered living room, my dad passed a couple of months ago, so the living room is full of vinyl and his records, since my apartment was already full of my stuff and I had no where else to put it.







mykyll2727 Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:19


So sorry to hear about you dad. You have my deepest condolences.

Nice setup. Thanks for sharing!

fristil Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:20

my front right now


Tate Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:22

Thank you, I appreciate that on both accounts.I really wish I had more room for all of the vinyl, though... there is about 300 records in my living room, and it takes up a bunch of room.It would be worth it if I could find my dad's original Led Zepplin 1 album still sealed in plastic with the $3.50 price tag.

A lot of the stuff on here is pretty amazing... I just can't wait to get back into a house so that I can have a clean set up like the rest of you.Due to the huge slump here in the US, Iwent from a 2300 sq ft house (didn't default or anything, just cut back on bills and to get away from the person I was living with) to a 1000 sq ft apartment, so everything is awfully cramped... also why I have so many speakers.But, I figured that no one on here would complain about the last part 

Doomlord_uk Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:23

Tate, what is the speaker on the right in the bottom pic?

Tate Publish time 28-11-2019 00:53:24

That would be a Martin Logan Motion 10 sir.

Actually, auditioning a Pioneer SC-61 for my living room right now.
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