Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:38

AC is basically guaranteed though since they already have all the funding they need, the alpha version seems to be the full game according to their website, so nearly content complete but missing the finishing touches, bug fixes, art assets, performance etc.

Still undecided but as I say given the choice between £15 on that and only getting an Alpha version or taking the 'finished' version of an EA game for 3x the price surely I can't go too wrong....

RidleyDeckard Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:39

I just bought into this, I downloaded the original tech demo earlier in the year and was really impressed. Looking forward to getting the full game.

SuperSportBilly Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:40

I am away for a few days but will definitely get this when I get home. I enjoy sim racing mainly but can't resist a well pitched arcade racing game that requires skill and offers a challenge and has credible physics like PGR4 etc.

Flatout UC is one of my favourites and in my top 5 Xbox 360 games of all time. Great physics, demolition derby, racing and career mode. I loved it and my 7 year old son now loves it !

I will pick this up to support the devs for the enjoyment I have got out of Flatout - if the new game turns out to be good - looks impressive - then it's a bonus.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:41

Decided to buy it in the end as it would be silly not to when I love racing games and EA have killed off one of the best for awesome car destruction aka Burnout. Plus outside of NFS, Dirt and Grid there really aren't any decent arcade racers anymore.

Nemesis X2 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:42

This looks awesome. Those race vids remind me of the carnage in PGR...... first corner anyone?

Seriously though, I loved Flatout UC on the 360 and this on PC in MP with comms could be the best thing since sliced bread.

joelk2 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:43

I think I'm gunna et this. The potential is rally good and I'd rather get it now before the price goes up.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:44

Just had a spin which is basically just an early demo but good fun. However the framerate is depressingly low since SLI isn't working yet and the only way to get a constant 60fps was to turn off shadows entirely.

With everything maxed at 1080p on the gravel track it was sitting around 43fps off the start and on the tarmac track 52fps. I decided just to leave it maxed and use D3D for Vsync and Triple buffering as no shadows looks wrong and a locked 30fps was just terrible when I've been playing everything at 60fps for the last year, it felt/looked like constant slowdown.

RidleyDeckard Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:46

I've just finished playing the demo as well and I was getting 60fps as long as there wasn't too much destruction going on or piles of tyres flying around around. When it does play smoothly it's pretty good fun and it really is visually impressive. I'm looking forward to the final release.

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:47

This is now officially on steam early access - Next Car Game on Steam

Sebastalona Publish time 27-11-2019 05:33:48

Has the price changed at all?
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