Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:22
I've gone down the route of using D3D triple buffering and using Nvidia v-sync rather than the game's. Performance is pretty good for me. Mostly 60fps with it only dropping down when things get hectic with loads of cars on screen. Going to see how I get on with adaptive.
Hopefully there is some more optimisation to come.
Very pleased with this on the whole. It could be one of the best MP games ever.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:23
I'm enjoying the racing more than the destruction derbies. Thought it would be the other way around.
Derbies will come to life in multiplayer.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:24
Hi. OK I am lost. I must be mistaken, but adaptive v synce is meant to stop tearing isn't it? If your fps is lower than your refresh rate you won't get tearing so you don't need v sync. When. Your fps goes above your refresh rate adaptive sync kicks in so you do not get tearing.
What am I missing or am I reading the thread wrong.
Sniper Ash6
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:24
When you'd be getting more than 60 fps it turns vsync on as normal. Under 60 fps and vsync is completely off to let you get the highest fps possible rather than jumping down to 45 or 30.
Furnace Inferno
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:24
Anytime your framerate is not the same as the refresh rate of the screen you will get tearing whether it is above or below. Adaptive vsync just turns off vsync when you go below that so that your framerate isn't halved like traditional vsync and so you get tearing instead of stutter.
It's basically the same as a lot of console games do so that framerate drops are less noticeable.
If you are consistently getting drops below your framerate then it's better to use vsync with triple buffering which stops all screen-tearing and removes stutter as it buffers frames keeping the framerate at whatever your GPU is currently running, but obviously the buffering introduces input lag, personally I've never noticed lag but supposedly some people do.
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:25
Looks like I am having a blonde day 
Tearing occurs when, because your frame rate is higher than your refresh rate, the top part of your image and the bottom part of your image are from a different frame of your game but shown in the same frame of your monitor.......
Does that make sense?
If so, so long as your monitor refresh is higher than your game frame rate, should your monitor not always be able to show the correct full image from your game without tearing? Therefore I didn't think v sync was needed if your frame rate was under that of your refresh rate.
Sorry for being dumb but for years that is how I thought it worked and no one ever questioned me over it.
do you guys with 120hz monitors get tearing?
Nemesis X2
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:25
Yet to purchase this, but definitely will either sooner or later. The thread's gone all technical, but just wondering how people are finding the actual gameplay, graphical issues aside?
I must admit I have an older card and although it plays new games well enough for me, I'm wondering how this game may cope with all the debris and stuff happening on screen, especially when people with Titan's are having some issues.... Hopefully that's just an occurrence of on-going development and it just hasn't been optimised yet.
Also, am I right to assume the events you enter are only with randoms at this stage and you couldn't choose to play against people on friends list yet?
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:26
I've only played it briefly, but there is no online play yet. The gravel and Tarmac races, and the arena are just Vs AI.
Nemesis X2
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:26
Ah cheers mate, I thought it was online. //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif
Makes much more sense being offline at this stage.
How do you find the game though?
Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:27
Excellent mate. The physics are amazing, and the destruction models of the cars and the environment are incredible!
I'll never tire of barreling into cars, fences, tyre barriers and watching them scatter everywhere!! Very impressive.
As Jamezinho said, this is going to be fantastic online with friends.