CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:13

Yep that's the place I've looked at, just a few miles down the road from me .It is always great to compare real life cars to in game versions.

Kirki Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:14

Got Junior membership (10 euros) last night and had a go at build 249 and overall I like it - only tried a handful of cars but the Zonda was great fun to drive. Can't say it was realistic or not as never driven a real one  but def enjoyed it in game around Imola.

A few of the other cars felt a little weird in terms of handling, like Formula A - hoping it's something that has been improved for next build or that I can improve myself with a bit of work on car setup.

Wanted to try the Azzure tracks as screenshots looked nice - but they are not available for Juniors... oh well... 

pigginbacon Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:15

I don't like the formula A much either. The formula B is much more fun.

Kirki Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:16

Yeah, as said was just a bit strange, felt very jumpy/twitchy at the slightest input on steering wheel so was difficult to position going into corners. Will try the Formula B tonight then. 

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:17

I think the devs themselves have said the formulaA needs a lot more work.

Incidently, I guess I must be imagining things because I actually thought they had closed up new signings and that there were no junior memberships.   Glad I was wrong however and you managed to get on kirki.

pigginbacon Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:18

My favourite cars are probably the Radicals (Racers in game), the Palmer Jag and the Caterham Classic.

IRobot Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:19

Looks like I'm not useless after all, just done a 1:35 at the current event (Lotus 49, Historic Monza) . Top 50 in the world .

How come real track names aren't used ? Are they copyrighted or something ?

pigginbacon Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:20

Slightly Mad Studios haven't got the license to use the real name. Apparently you can't copyright a race track so you can create an exact replica as long as you don't use the real name. I don't mind as it saves money to get licenses for cars which you do need to get a license for to use in game.

pigginbacon Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:21

Another interesting thing is that you are allowed to make cars that are similar to their real life counterparts. However there must be 3 major differences to the design. If there isn't then you can get into trouble for trying to pass something off as the real version.

Before the Lotus license was acquired the Leonus 49 had a big spoiler that the real Lotus didn't.

Magus Publish time 27-11-2019 05:28:22

I'm not a manger so not sure if the build from a couple days ago has done anything the the Formula A's handling: -

Plus today's build states;


Also not till the new tyre models & FFB is implemented will we know how things will pan out & agree Formula B is better & around Connecticut it's a great for immersion & sense of speed.
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