Korum Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:44

Fire Emblem is very hard to get hold of locally, All the Supermarkets, Toysrus, Argos and PC World aren't stocking it which just leaves Game at £40 and Grainger Games at £37 and I'm not paying those prices for a 3DS title.

I can't understand why Fire Emblem had such a low key release but I suppose this is indicative of the seemingly complete lack of marketing on any Nintendo products.

I'll just have to wait to get it when it's selling for around £30

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:44

Order it online?

CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:45

Haha yeah.I didn't mind paying the £2.99 discounted price for the Champions pack but shelling out another £11 (whilst affordable) is quite a bit for a few extra levels.That said, if you also get some extra characters for your squad then that's tempting.

CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:45

Most people don't really buy games in shops these days and the supermarkets (apart from the large stores) tend to only have a token splattering of games.Game will always charge a silly price to be honest.

As Adam suggests, just buy it online for around £30.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:45

Miss Mandy on the previous page got it for £26 using flubit. 

CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:46

Yeah saw that and someone else got it for around £25 I believe.

Have you seen the promotion they have on where you register 3 top 8 games (Luigi's mansion 2, FE, Monster Hunter 3, LCU, Castlevania, Animal Crossing etc.) and you can pick one of the games as a free download!Seems good.

I would like Luigi's Mansion, LCU, Animal Crossing, donkey kong 3d and maybe Castlevania so am well up for that.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:46

Yeah I have Donkey Kong pre ordered so that means I'll get animal crossing for free 

Stephen Carter Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:46

I'm about three hours or so into this and so far I'm loving it. The AI is really stepping up in difficulty already and making me scrutinise my every move and unit formation. Only just realised that weapons need replacing after so many uses though so I'm a bit short on weapons and money at present!

RottenFox Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:46

Try Lunatic mode, then come back and let us know how long you cried for...
The AI/Diffictulty is brutal.

Stephen Carter Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:46

Think ill pass on that one for now! Thinking of starting again and taking more care towards weapons and items and what have you. Levelling up is hard too.
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