Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:53
I've lost quite a few now. My problem is not checking out the enemy around me properly and taking too many risks without healing. Just a learning experience I guess. I'm a noob when it comes to turn based strategy games like this. Only played advance wars before.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:53
I'm on chapter 10 and only lost a couple of characters early on.I've put about 15 1/2 hours in so far and have done a fair bit of grinding on champions of lore (as well as all the side missions and other battles which crop up).I've also used master seals on most of my characters to turn them into advanced classes.
Miss Mandy
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:53
The price I put in first was ShopTo who were the cheapest I could find at them time. It was £32 something on there so I saved around £6 via flubit.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:53
Thanks. Had originally used Amazon so I've tried again using Shopto though there's very little difference in price
Miss Mandy
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:53
Just spent about 2 hours on this and only completed one level!  you really do have to think about what you're doing to make sure you send the right troops to the right enemy and you heal at the right time. Its took a few attempts to get it right on level 3 then i had the same problem on level 4! I'm rubbish!
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:54
I'm hardly setting the world alight either but it doesnt matter. Brilliant game. I dived on last night for 30 mins...which ended up 150 mins. Lol
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:54
Are you using X to see the areas which the enemy can move to and attack.That helps you build a formation to attack from.I usually have a few knights up front with some archers and mages at the rear.I tend to use psyche to heal injured troops from a distance and also stock up on some potions to help heal once caught out in the battlefield.Also try and rest in forts as they heal you too whilst providing protection.
I also recommend moving as a unit supporting each other as it's when you get tempted to go out on a limb for a tempting kill where you get caught out.It's harder at the start because your characters are weak and can be picked off easier, but you do have to consider each move carefully as you can guarantee (like chess I guess) if you make a move without really thinking about it then you will come a cropper.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:54
Still waiting to get this. Ordered from Tesco well over a week ago. Received an email today saying it may be up to another 2 weeks due to stock. Cancelled and ordered from elsewhere.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:54
God I love this game....
That is all...
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:55
Lol I did a side story earlier and 2 random battles. Used a second seal to change lon'qu to an assassin as I desperately needed an Archer and my oh my he kicks serious ass even with a grade E bow.
Still only up to chapter 11 and sunk over 14 hours into it so far. Brilliant game. I'll be having a few days off it now though as I revisit a few DS games that are arriving tomorrow 