CAS FAN Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:00

Finished this on normal on a flight back from France this afternoon . What a fantastic game and for me it joins the rare echelons of games I've finished.Managed to get around 40 hours from this on the first play though. Could have done it considerably quicker but spent some time levelling up various characters etc.

Most games just don't hold my interest so it takes something really special for me to finish it. It ranks up there with the likes of MGS4, SMG, Uncharted 2 and Zelda OOT for me as all 4 of those games kept me mesmerised until completion as well.

I'd like to play it through again and maybe use second seals to make a Squad of just knights and archers. Charge in with the knights with a line of archers behind backing them up . Got my dispatch email from flubit for my MH3 today though so will probably give that a load of time first though.

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:00

Just a quick note, in case anyone has just picked this up recently. The DLC offer finishes tomorrow, so if you haven't got around to downloading the free map you may want to do so quickly!

Dazimus Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:00

Been playing this for the last few days and I'm enjoying it, although it's a bit stressful having permadeath on!

PropQuinn Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:01

This is easily my favourite game of 2013 by a long shot. Absolutely love it. has anyone played the DLC? I'm trying to decide which to buy.

gwyper Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:01

I didn't think I'd enjoy this but I picked up a second hand Fire Emblem 3DS XL.I've given this a bash and I love it.I'm not a fan of turn-based games but the mechanics of this make for a different game.I'm pleasantly surprised!

gwyper Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:01

I think I might start a new game, lost a character and can't even remember who it was, think it was Miriel.I think I have a better idea of the battle system now so will give it another shot 

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:01

Is there any new gamecontent? Got an urge to replay this and would really like to carry over relationships and weapons if possible.

dieeasysteve Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:01

I just got this. I've got as far as the end of then demo. Should I be playing with death turned on? I'm on the easiest hardness. Will it be too easy?

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:15:02

It'll still be a challenge in the later stages if you don't level up your characters enough, but you won't be constantly resetting stages when you lose a character. 
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