Miss Mandy Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:48

My copy got dispatch today. Really hoping for delivery tomorrow, but expect it will more likely be Monday. Not been this excited to get a handheld game for ages! 

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:48

Its best game I've played in ages. Really really addictive. You can be blitzing through a battle and then one cocky wrong move can spell the end for a beloved team member.

Miss Mandy Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:48

Its an offer website of sorts. Basically you find the cheapest price you can of the item you want to buy then input the link of that price into the Flubit website and within 48 hours they'll get back to you with a better deal just for you.
I've managed to order both Fire a emblem and Luigi's Mansion for £26 each which is a fiver cheaper than the cheapest prices I could find myself.
This is my first time using them though so I'm still waiting to see how the whole transaction pans out. FE was dispatched today though after ordering yesterday evening, and I've paid with Paypal so if my games don't turn up I'm covered.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:49

I used them yesterday for a price on game of thrones season 2 on blu ray. Got me a price £6 cheaper.

Very impressed so far. They don't accept links for pre owned items though. Just in case anyone wondered.

Wattsy 75 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:49

Played the demo of this last night and was pleasantly surprised.

Hadn't read anything on this game and wasn't expecting it to play as it does

Used to love advance wars on my ds

Think this will be my freebie download of choice

Miss Mandy Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:49

Just received my copy so very happy. I'm was dubious on flubit when I first heard about it, but this order has taken less than 48 hours to drop through my letterbox and has saved me over a fiver on the cheapest price I could find elsewhere. Very impressed and I will now go and charge my console so I can actually play it!

Stephen Carter Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:49

Can easily lose several hours at a time with this. So addictive and endearing plus tonnes of drip-fed extras to keep the game alive outside of the main quest.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:49

Good to hear. Think I'm going to go with their offer for my game of thrones. Will definitely be using their service again if this comes through OK.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:50

Definitely. Spent a good 2 hours on it last night and only actually did a couple of levels. Spent ages checking out my convoy stock and equipping my crew out properly etc.

Stephen Carter Publish time 27-11-2019 03:14:50

There's so much you need to pay attention to if you want to succeed it's brilliant. Realised the auto battle function isn't brilliant though...
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