AnimalOfAnarchy Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:41

I'll be honest, I'm pretty impressed with Disney Infinity 3.0. I don't usually like things like this but the level of detail, customisation and everything is unrestricted almost. I'm pretty impressed so far.

Other than that, nothing from this gen has blew me away. Rise of the Tomb Raider and Halo 5 were good but that's about it. Metal Gear Solid 5 is a letdown after the prologue...

odd1ne Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:42

The original gran turismo blew me away more than any other game I was amazed how i could drive a regular car and the graphics for the time wow, looking back now its funny how old it looks.

This generation project cars has impressed me a lot, the graphics in the order are pretty special as well cannot forget the driveclub rain effects

E3000 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:42

GTA always impresses me but I would have to agree that it has been YEARS since I have been wowed by a video game.

Even though... Honourable mentions must go to the following games:
The Walking Dead (Telltale)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

PHYSC Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:42

Of all the games of all systems so far the most impressive is halo online for pc the graphics are off the friggin hook.The visuals and online play are immense people barely know it even exists,yes it's another halo game but it's way better than any i have ever seen,it's got totaly new styles of vs games and when i say the visuals are stunning i mean it they really are that good.

Best of all it is free to download and play.

If i can be very negative here and frank with people.To be honset gone are the glory days for now of games with character and simple immersive gameplay and adding the internet updates in the mix has all but everyone off with the constant system update required before gameplay,cartridge systems or simplified inbuilt game systems with no connectivity are far more satisfying stick a game in or simply turn it on and play a game rules for me,i'm an 80's kid so i love the old school ways,hence i write school not skool lol.

Zamzia Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:42

This!! I had a couple of old school friends round and we used to really enjoy playing things like bomber man and Goldeneye when we used to hang out when we were kids. When they were round the other Saturday night we had take away and settled in to try out Halo 5.... Massive update required before we could play... ~60GB. Took all evening and we didn't get to play it. I tried it the next day myself, amazing of course. One of those same friends came round mid week following and we settled down to have a play on Halo 5 again... another F*&KING update! The only game series he's enjoyed playing is Halo from the first conception of it. He said he wouldn't be buying an Xbox One because he just wants to sit down and play.

King Tones Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:43

Just set the console to Instant On which will download updates in the background.

I don't mind the updates, games are huge now, look great and 1000x better than older games so ofcourse they are big in size and may require updates.

Zamzia Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:43

Ahhh, the trickery of knowing how to use/setup these newfangled consoles! I'll have to spend some time on it and look around all the settings. I'm only on page 20 something (of 30 ) of the Xbox One Elite controller discussing setup etc, so I've yet to get my head around the controller 

King Tones Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:43

It gives you the option when you setup the console 

jayjayhop Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:44

I just installed an ios game made by an independent team, really good and addictive game.. The game is bullet boy and as you can see, most of the reviews are pretty positive for this game. Really good for an indie team!

S7RUDD3RZ Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:45

Playing Dragon Age Inquisition at the, what a game. Actually find it better than Witcher 3.
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