LateFuture Publish time 26-11-2019 22:48:59

Must be The Forest. Didn't expect much at first to be honest, but the potential it has is crazy. A really fun game with a nice relaxing environment if you don't encounter any cannibals by accident. Or something even worse. Also really scary to play if you decide to explore in single player.

Definitely an awesome game, can't wait to see where it goes.

Jonnykiv500 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:00

To be honest Destiny impressed me for a short while.

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:00

I 100% agree with this.
Only came to the Witcher 3 last year after it was on sale with all the DLC. Around 60 hours in now and I think it is possibly the greatest game I've played in my 37 years of gaming 

Everything from the size and scope to the story and characters is truly amazing and it's the most brilliantly created world I've ever played in where it actually feels real, unlike pretty much any other open world game (even GTA). The RPG elements are perfect where you can do as much or as little as you want and as for the quests and variety it's stunning. The graphics might be the weakest point but at times it does look stunning and for a 2yr old game it's not something to complain about.

Combat is varied and great fun and it never feels like a grind or chore to play. Only downside is it might be a bit too big of a game with too much content if you can't sink hours and hours at a time into it.

I'm hoping Red Dead 2 brings something close to this but I do think Witcher 3 has pretty much ruined RPGs for everyone who has played it as I can;t see it being bettered in a long time 

Imrahill Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:00

Witcher 3 is possibly the best game I've ever played and I've been gaming since the Anstrad CPC464 through the C64 Amiga etc etc. Red Dead is another epic game.

gzll Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:01

NieR: Automata. I've played a crap ton of RPGs, and it's been a while since one has impressed me this much. The writing is amazing, gameplay is fun, characters are great.

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:01

I think Red Dead was the only game apart from Witcher 3 to create a truly great world that felt real and that was years ago in the last generation. Imagine what they can do with it now

ricki1980 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:01

Yes I'm really looking forward to Red Dead 2. Managed to pick up Witcher 3 for £9.99 brand new on PS4. Going to give it a go once I've finished Zelda. This may be a while from now as I only seem to manage 4 to 5 hours gaming a week now.

Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:01

I get maybe 3 hours a week to play. Currently 55 hours into Witcher 3 and I'd say I'm maybe halfway through it, and then there's another 40 hours with the two DLCs.

At least another 6 months before I can start something else

Worldtraveller Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:01

Horizon: zero dawn, amazing game, really want to find out what happened to the ingame world but doing side stuff like climbing robot dinosaur (which acts like the towers from far cry). All the best bits from the recent tomb raider and the best bits from far cry.

Thanks to HDZ, witcher 3 replay and DLC is on hold.

Only played a bit of NieR: Automata, really great game, really liked the weird funfair level

NickGilla Publish time 26-11-2019 22:49:02

I'm PC gamer so the last one was historical strategy game, EUROPA UNIVERSALIS IV by Paradox Development, it's just awesome 
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