JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:09

Cut two pieces of wick lay one half way down the other and coil here round both wicks only 3 or 4 wraps then you should have 3 legs put each one down the holes.If your burning through the wick coil may be too tight.

You can cheat and wrap a coil round a 2.5mm drill bit then feed the wick through that using a single piece of 3mm 

You can also double the wick over coil round both then snip the top one short and have 2 legs on the other wick. Its easier to coil round a fatter wick

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:10

If your in the market for a gayfun 3.1 you better get a move on

SvoeMesto - Cloud 9 Vaping

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:11

Thanks for posting that DR Kronenburg. I never know when these kind of things come and go.

Quality piece of kit. I almost went for one and even at £124.90(del) I had to slap my face a few times to stop myself panic buying.

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:12

As Rapids Johnson would say "keep em peeled" 

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:13

That is why I don't follow those threads as I'll end up panic buying stuff.

I would snap their arm off if it was half that price.

How long does a wick last in those Kayfuns?

Hopefully the tech will be ripped off and mass produced.

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:14

Oh you'd need to ask JDCFH on that one, I don't own one because I think they're fugly shallow I know but it needs to look good also and I just can't see past the look of it, it is remarkably popular though

Kayfun 3.1 - worth the hype?

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:15

I'm looking for an easy rebuildable using silca and wire. Needs a good size tank on it because as I chain vape. Needs to be easy fill - meaning no fiddly screw to remove everytime I want to fill it.

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:16

You just missed out on the new Loki Tanks this morning, no screws just twist the cap and fill.

Loki Tank

You can put these inside, I have two of them and they are great and easy to rebuild, unfortunately out of stock too.

The Killer

I know it doesn't help you now but it is a good combination and looks good on any 22mm mod, you can of course buy thinner tanks for thinner mods.

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:17

Batch 4 of this mod goes on sale at 16:00 tonight, going to see if I can bag myself one.

GP PAPS 18350 LUX Edition version 2.5 | vapourart.com

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:18

Thanks. They look good.

Probably best they are out of stock too.
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