GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:31

They make it out to be safety. Lets be honest the government just wants to tax the **** out of us. Thats all. Maybe its time to start mixing juices and sell them for 3 years to milk whats left.... online retailers is what im concerned about. So far all the over the counter stuff is a load of tat and give ecigs a bad name. Eg e-lights or e-shi**** as I prefer to call them.

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:32

Doubt it. They are cheap so no great loss.

I've been getting mine from here using the UKV10 code


hutch Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:33

Have there been any actual studies as to whether these things are bad for you or not? It seems to me like e cigs move in the same circles as legal highs and I know from experience that a lot of that stuff can be fairly nasty.

out for justice Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:34

Nowhere near as strong as those other legal highs.

Nicotine is a poison though and too much will kill you (similarly, too much salt will kill you)

From that BBC article above:

signs Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:35

the government realise they will lose a lot of revenue with these so they need away to scratch some cash back , ergo they will be medicine .

indianwells Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:36

If it is medicine will I be able to get it on prescription? If so, i'm glad I live in Wales. Prescriptions are free!

Similarly if I am on a plane or in a Weatherspoons can anyone deny me my right to take my *medicine*?

DR Kronenbourg Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:37

The only thing bad for my health is the people in power that are supposed to be looking after it, all the ingredients are found in food products, they shout make it a medicine but they will continue to allow cigarettes! It just shows them in their true colours, quit or die right enough, Government sponsored NRT is proven to be useless, the people have foundtheir own healthy alternative that's not only non government funded it will reduce the stress put on our health services!

Crazy bastards don't care.

GuitarGuy Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:38

is it realistically worth writing to mp's? personally im disillusioned by the system and dont believe it works. id be skeptical but if anyone know better id be interested to hear it?

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:39

It can't hurt, and you never know, you might achieve something.

Philw101 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:35:40

Not necessarily! While I do work in the pharma industry (please don't think I'm biased ), but restrictions for sale of these to children should be place. Heck! I actually saw a high street seller recently trying to offer one to a 12 year old boy!

I do think at least a number of studies need to be conducted at least to prove the efficacy and the damage (if any) they are causing.

I am not saying ban them completely, please do not misunderstand me, obviously adults should be allowed to do what they want (within reason), but at least let children be children without having to resort to a dependance on Nicotine.
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