JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:42

Tried the absinthe juice today...

Much more enjoyable than I had first thought.Far less intense than it smells.Going to get me some.

ObeyOne Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:42

I've got quite a bit  been mixing it with some of the juices I haven't been enjoying to make them a bit more palatable with good results. Can't stop vaping midos SB at the moment though- really is one you should try.

ObeyOne Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:42

My 1st mech mod 'should' hopefully be with me tomorrow - is there anything I should be wary/careful about when setting up for the first time?

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:42

Ooh, what are you getting? I am thinking of buying a cheap mod, not necessarily a mech one. Was looking at these, getting good reviews for such a basic device.

Also found out you can get a Vamo kit from China for £32, includes 2 x Vivi Nova, batteries and charger but takes a couple of weeks to arrive.

ObeyOne Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:43


This came this morning with my Kayfun 3.1 on top  methinks a polished Kayfun might be needed.

Bit of a fingerprint magnet but I like it.

Tomthebomb Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:43

'Tis truly a beautiful thing. I like it 

Palladio Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:43

Looks like a good Chinese site. I got my Vamo kit from here cheapest vamo mod vv vw starter kit and it only took a few weeks to arrive. Got it insale so even cheaper. It certainly has made a difference but still think I need to play around with some different tanks and juices as the throat hit seems too dry for me. Maybe some of these sweet juices being talked about here. 

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:43

Yeah, is Chinese. A few people from Planetofthevapes have ordered stuff from them no problem.

What ratio of juice are you using? If it's heavy on PG then it can cause irritation with some people and also produces a stronger hit. Try a 50/50 PG/VG juice and see if it makes a difference. What tank set up are you on?

Palladio Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:44

Using some V3 clearomisers and mainly Vivi Nova and Vivi mini and just ordered some new stuff off the Fast Tech site. At those prices with free shipping very little to lose.

They are so many variables in this Vaping lark, what with VV batteries, Resistance, liquids, top/bottom coils and so on it all gets a bit mind boggling and I'm trying to save money, not spend it on a hundred and one different ways to get a perfect vape 

Ihaven't tried playing about with the actual mix yet so going for a 50/50 sounds like an excellent idea. Any recommendations best place to get some 50/50 juice. Been looking at the samples on The alchemist site but it doesn't say what mix they are.

Using mainly RY4, Menthol and Vanila at the moment, tried some fruity flavours and wasn't impressed.

Still been vaping since last August and would now never go back to ciggies.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:34:44

I've used Health-E-Vape before who make it in the UK. You can specify throat hit, flavour strength and the type of mix. They have quite a choice of flavours. Only tried their Menthol and RY4 Gold which were both pretty good.

I know what you mean about cost. I have been at it since mid December and must have spent a couple of hundred quid on different set ups, not including juice. There is so much choice like you say it's tempting to try everything.

The eVod and ProTank get a good rep on here and are easy to recoil as the standard heads can be a bit rubbish sometimes. It is my main type I use. I fancy trying the Innokin iClear 16 Dual Coil though as a daily as it gets good reviews and they are easy to fill, unlike bottom feds. Dual coil are great for lots of vapour and flavour too.
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