CHEAP protein finds...
I am always on the look out for a cheap way of increasing my protein, and not sure if this has been done, but thought I would start a thread for what cheap protein finds you have found.Please list yours, but try and include a photo and the nutritional information guide.
Home Bargains .39p
Calories 215
Protein 25g
Carbs 2g
Sat Fat 4g
Weight (pack/serving) 125g
Tuna Fillets
Home Bargains .69p
Calories 167
Protein 29.8g
Carbs 2.6g
Sat fat .2g
Weight (pack/serving) 142g
Please list your high protein finds. Nothing comes to mind myself but that Tuna looks awesome. 29g of protein!!! Its closer to 30g of protein. I bought about 10 packs of it.
Tastes really nice too for only .69 pence.. shame i cant find it anywhere near me  Asda also have it, but it costs £1.98 there, where Home Bargains is only .69 pence. Managed to get some of the tuna today from Home Bargains. Grabbed the six remaining packs on the shelf. 
Will be near there again in Tuesday so will grab more if I can. there is a home bargains near me, so might pop along and take a look. those tuna steaks look perfect for after the gym when i cant be bothered to cook although i can't seem to find those tuna steaks on the home bargains web site just picked a few packets up, not too bad actually Great idea for a thread. Decent chicken, free range eggs and canned tuna cost me a fortune every month!