Captain Ron
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:21:35
Same here but I did have to eat it until I was about 10, then on and off till 18 then gave up on it as all pork is not to my tastes iirc it's all salty and weird tasting, no one in my household is allowed it now as I am a tyrant about it , no they just don't have it as I never buy it and even the missis says nothing about it, I go as far as not having anything with Gelatin in it either in pork or beef form as the thought of it freaks me out, and there is a shed load of stuff with Gelatin in it sweets included.
I am not religious in any form either so it's not that.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:21:36
I am, what i believe to be, in the perfect relationship. My partner doesn't like bacon (did set the alarm bells ringing i must admit) but whenever we stop over for weekends away I end up with a pile of pig on my plate for the morning breakfast.......she's definitely a keeper
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:21:37
Take two slices of perfectly grilled hot, bacon and place one slice into a split all butter croissant with cranberry jelly on one side of the split. Set a thin strip of French brie on the bacon and put the other slice on top of the Brie. Close croissant, place on a baking tray. Flip the grill over to oven mode at 180c (fan assisted) and pop the tray in for five mins. That which emerges is a thing of great joy and a breakfast fit for a king but it does look like an evil insect chrysalis. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:21:38
@Captain Ron
Delivery please 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:21:39
I love Pork, but I reckon bacon's overrated. Yeah sure it smells good cooking but I nearly always feel slightly underwhelmed after eating it. The best bacon sandwich is the one with sausage in it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:21:40
That's just what I've had..sausage bacon and tomato