Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:08

Just for you I'll do some later and film them, might even give you a shout out too! 

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:09

Tonight's deadlift session was epic, lots of hard work by everyone.

Prowler   30, fast 6 lengths
Tyre flips 220 Tyre - Back and forth x10, 2 lengths
Deadlift - 60x10, 100x10, 150x10, 150x10, 150x10 - Last set was a killer!
Very Fast Deficits - 100x5, 100x4, 100x3, 100x3, 100x3 - Continuous rotation between 3 of us
Sumo Deads - 110x10, 110x10, 110x10
Bent over rows - 70x10, 80x10, 80x10 - Really tired now!
Lat Pull Down - 84x10, 98x10 (poor form), 91x12
Chin ups - 5, 5 (with a spot)

Finished off with 20 minutes stretching, foam rolling and lacrosse ball work.

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:10

That's a lot of volume. I would be out for the count. Warrior.

How much sleep do you get. I struggle to recover. The older you get it seems the worse recovery capacity gets :/

Arcam_boy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:11

What's a 'prowler' ? Never heard of them!


Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:12

I was in bed when I wrote it up! Mrs C is marking homework and I'm watching Suits. Had another go on the foam roller, more stretching and a session with the massage stick! I'll still be sore on Saturday I imagine!

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:13

A prowler is a sled that you add weight to and push, it was designed by the most sadistic S&C coaches to make people sick and/or pass out! Going to be using it a lot more as the weeks go on along with more tyres and sled stuff. 

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:14

Had another ten mins foam rolling this morning, feel like I had a good one last night.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:15

Weigh in tomorrow am wanting to be closer to 118kg after being 119.3 last week, shed a bit more Christmas gut! Got invited along to watch Leicester Tigers Vs Ulster on a Heineken hospitality package this Saturday so I don't think it'll matter much anyway!

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:15

Mega sesh tonight, lots of energy around the gym and in our group especially! Got loads of videos which I'll get up over the weekend, getting better with the axle bar quite quickly and had a play with some Olympic type stuff - Definitely something to pursue.

Warm up - chin ups and shoulder mobility
Tyre flips - 8 flips x 2, 2 x 70sec as many as poss (both around 20), really pleased with how quickly I recovered.
Bench - bar x20, 60x10, 105x5, 105x5, 60x5 (needed form check as wasn't comfy, straight into 100x5, 100x5, 100x5
Incline db flye - 10x10, 12.5x10, 12.5x10
Axle - bar x 5, 55x5 (snatch), 75x5 C&P, 85x3 (with sleeves on felt horrible), 75x5 C&P, 80x3

Weighed in at 118.5, haven't done as much stretching/foam rolling as I wanted, as went to visit friends who got engaged recently as soon as I'd eaten, will have some awesome bruises after all those tyre flips!

silent ninja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:15

Chinups at your weight? Impressive. How many can you do
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