Totally unfit, not overweight (maybe a few pounds, not stones) how should i healthy up
Hi new in this section of the avf boardsI am totally unfit,....kind of sit down lie down get up goto car drive arrive sit down again.
I never ever did any sports really even in school, just wasn’t interested so always bunked off.
Never done strenuous work or activities
Quite a heavy smoker aged 48
Started swimming last year used to manage 4-6 lengths and arms would pack in (breastroke) first two sessions I was out of breath at that distance
Had to relocate home so didn’t keep it up
I suffer from social anxiety so feel dodgy walking in to a gym......
Anyway rather than pay out for gym membership inc swimming I am thinking
A) build up some fast walking start at 15 mins and increase over month
B) pressups
C) situps
D) stop eating crap and get a decent diet going on
Questioning you all am I on the right track????
I intend to join swimming/gym once stamina improves and I can feel good instead of being ashamed at climbing out after 4 lengths haha
There is a leisure centre 7 minutes walk away from me Firstly, well done for recognizing why you are not happy with yourself and wanting to do something about it.
Firstly, anything you do will be better than what you've been doing.
You make no mention of weight or fat but you do talk about changing and cleaning up your diet so if your see your diet is not great then you should absolutely change it.
Can't out train a bad diet and the older we get, the harder it all is which makes the diet even more important.
You talk about increasing your fitness, swimming is fantastic for that. But any improvements can only be made by hard work. So if you build up to 5 lengths, the next time push for 6. Or 5 and a half. But with determination anything is possible.
A couple of years ago, due to a messed up spine, I couldn't move it exercise. I couldn't walk for more than 10 minutes, couldn't even stand for 10 minutes.
I went into hospital and had a small procedure which eliminated most of the pain. By then I had put on about 2 stone of fat.
I had decided I was going to start running, something is never really been able to do, even as a kid.
I downloaded an app called Couch 2 5k.
It had me walking for a bit. Then it had me jog for a bit and walk. It beeped to tell me when to walk, when to job and when to stop.
In under 3 months I could run 5k in 28 minutes!
So, point is, you have lots of options. Pick things you enjoy at this stage, otherwise you are less likely to stick at it.
And a gym is a great place to get fit, full of like minded people. People who just want to change their bodies and people who aren't happy with themselves. And they have classes to, which are a great way to have someone else to motivate you to put the effort in. Besides EVERYONE feels uncomfortable going into the gym. I've been doing it for two years and I still sometimes feel like people are watching and judging me. They aren't, they don't care about me. They are there for themselves.
So don't wait until you feel fitter before going to a place designed to help you get fitter. That makes no sense.
With regards to the press ups and sit ups, they will not help you get fit.
Sit ups are not a good exercise for the stomach as they load the lower spine and flex it. Go onto youtube and Google body weight exercises for beginners. And watch anything and everything from Scooby and AthleanX (Jeff Cavalier).
However press ups are one of the best exercises you can do, so keep them in. Every day if possible.
I know there is a lot of info here but there is no short answer and no quick fix. But that's what makes it fun and worth while. Nice one thankyou
Woll look at couch 2 5k
Will watch suggested you tube
And will join gym/swim its £22 a month all in
I will keep updating here aswell You had better! Use us to keep you accountable.
Seriously, do share with us, the ups and the downs.
I love exercise, training and trying to physically change my body but sometimes for to working long hours, shift work and a young family, I get tired and want to give it a miss. So I look to people here, real people not perfect Instagram people, for my honesty and motivation. Yes it will hopefully be teamwork if people chirp in here ‘Sho’
I am not necessarily looking for big toned athletic physique BUT I do want to feel well and stronger fitter more inclined to get up and go out instead of feeling lethargic
Plus if I look well and shiny perhaps the ladies may pay some extra attention (who knows and here’s hoping)
Anyway I walked the dog twice as far as usual just now Alas he stops to sniff every six feet and mark his scent So it was only brisk walking in fits and starts ha Good luck - don't be shy.
Can't out train a bad diet is the best advice I can give you. Clean up your food, cut out the drinking/sugar etc and your half way there.
Get a step counter or something for walking - aim for 8000/10000 a day - just set a target and keep trying to push it on. Eat a lot of processed crap, never ever eat veg tbh
I puke at the smell even of alcohol so safe there 
Got an ap called active 10 get a trophy for each brisk 10 minutes walking, (NHS claim a brisk ten minutes at least once a day is better than 10,000 steps)
Its just getting out and going for it or the impetus to do so I struggle with mate That's going to be your long term issue there......
If there is more than 5 ingredients in it or there is something you don't know what it means/understand it on the list of ingredients - it's not good for you!!
Diet is the key, without changing that, you'll change very little. It would be so much easier with old school pre supermarket shops, butchers, fish shop, fruit n veg........ damn theres all 3 20 minutes walk away next door to each other aswell come to think of it I don’t really eat much though usually only at tea time 1 meal for the day
Few issues mentally sadly