Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:49
After the above session myself and Mrs shodan grabbed a coffee at the gym before she started work. After the coffee i had a bit more time before I had to go to work so I went back in for some bodyweight cardio...
Warm up followed by:-
20 jumping jacks
20 press-up
20 squats
20 leg raises
60s rest
20 jumping jacks
10 press-up
10 squats
10 leg raises
60s rest
20 jumping jacks
20 press-up
20 squats
20 leg raises
60s rest
20 jumping jacks
10 press-up
10 squats
10 leg raises
Took about 13 minutes in total and I was borked!
I was then completely shattered and exhausted for the rest of the day and I'm up this morning work and still knackered! Think today and Sunday will be rest days then I'll be able to train again Monday....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:49
Great gym session today!
Still being troubled by the elbow bicep tendonitis and the sprained knee but at this stage they are more just grumbling at me. Although I wouldn't dream of doing bicep curls at the mo..
So, got on the Boditrax to check my stats. Last measured on the 26th august.
I decided a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to go for fat loss. I seemed to have plateaued at 20% bf. So I've tightened up on the nutrition, or rather cut out some of the crap I've still been eating.
So since the 26th over lost 1kg of fat which has bought my bf down to 18.9%
I've also lost 0.8 of a kg of muscle but I'm not overly bothered by that, happy just to get rid of some fat!
Total body weight is down a kilo and a half to 76kg.
Very happy to get some positive confirmation of my work.
So, onto today's workout..
After the Boditrax I was buzzing so went a bit nuts.. Did some stretching then went on the Synergy 360 Anna went across the offset monkey bars, tested at the other end then managed halfway back by jumping two handed from bar to bar. Don't know why, but that have new since sort of child-like glee! Lol!
Then I thought I'd try some compounds to test the dodgy joints and because I've not done weights for over a month.
Flat bench 10x 30kg, 10 x 60kg
5x5 squat35kg, knee held up perfectly
5x5 flat bench 60kg
5x5 bent over rows 55kg
Has a rest then for a while then got back in..
Woodway running for about 10mins
Skipping for 5 mins
Then my cardio circuit...
50 x jumping jacks
10 push ups
20 mountain climbers
30s wall sit
10 plank up downs
Pause for 60s
Repeat for 4 circuits - took 15 minutes.
And wiped out!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:49
I've been a very silly boy.. I've completely fudgeed myself right up. Muscles and CNS are fried. An hour later and I still can't stop sweating....
Did farrrrr too much...
I'll try to post it all up later..
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:49
Hip abducter
10 x 30, 40, 50
10 x 70, 65, 60 down to 5kg
Db butterflies 10kg with centre press
Flat x 12
Slight incline x 12
Increase incline x 12, 12
Full upright x 12
Synergy 360 HIIT - 14 STATIONS, 40 seconds each - 10 minutes
Exhausted, neauseas
Runtastic results HIIT
Then 3 round of this...
I finished around 1.50pm and still don't feel right..
Quads are killing me, think the hip abductor finished off the glutes so the quads were working overtime..
Can't wait till I can to bed tonight....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:49
Get two days off it now... The mind wants to do more, but the body ain't willing!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:49
great stuff - tho, I've adblock enabled and can't see what your attached image says... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:50
It says that my mind is not connected to the reality of my body.... Tried to pm it to you but can't send attachments on pm...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:50
Oh man alive, I am wrecked! Don't mind the total body aching and weariness, but my glutes.... Yes, my bum cheeks hurt! But I'm telling people I've hurt my lower back...
Kept waking up during the night, every time I tried to roll over, I couldn't even go on my sides! At 4 am I was laying in bed trying to stretch my glutes...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:50
Did 5 rounds of this yesterday, then different sets of different Ab exercises to finish.
Then went to a party in the evening where I had 3 beers and some buffet. I'd been looking forward to that for my cheat for the week, although it's been a tough couple of very clean weeks.
Then I got nominated to take part in a press up challenge... It's just the sort of thing I normally refuse as I'm too miserable. Gave in to peer pressure (due to being cheered on by some a couple of birds) and found my opponent a lad 24 years younger than me at 15 years old. Big lad though, very athletic.
Anyway, destroyed him! Got to 32 and he was on about 25 and I sensed he was flagging, on the ropes, so I dug deep, switched to one handed and said "come on son, keep up" and thankfully after the first one handed press up he swore and gave in andstood up!
And I stood up to a tumultuous applause!
But I'm not competitive..
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:50
Good that you've put pictures there..that saved me some time googling  (which I've to do on most things posted here). But if it's me with insitu 24/7 PT and free membership to david lloyds gym, I would be doing something completely different 