Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:55
9.6 and ran it fairly easily today, even with a slippery gym floor!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:55
To be honest, I struggle with the bleep test. I'm fit and capable enough but it isn't a type of training I do often. That said, about 10 years ago I did the rapid entry course and when I did the bleep test for that I was doing it with two guys who were taking it for the triggers and do I finished mine and kept on doing it with them and managed it so I know my body can do it...... Or could do it....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:55
I've done the bleep test once - but not sure it's the full one as we ran for around 9 minutes? - we also had one at the kettlebell class on monday but I didn't want to risk my calf (as I'm going away tonight) but it didn;t look too hard - again, it was only around 8-9 minutes...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
So today's effort... Although amazingly arms are still grumbling from Mondays effort!
Kind of raced through it. Although I believe my core is pretty good. Those damn leg raises are a killer! Bit of a Judas for me....
Grabbed a 3 mins break after this then did skipping for 9mins (roughly) in 2 minute jumping, 46s rest. Grabbed another 3 mins rest then went off to play with a 20kg sandbag.
5 Sandbag clean lifts (bring it to the front squat position then down to the ground. Touch but not test and back up. )
Walk it in the top of the light position about 8m away and repeat for 5 sets.
Then without resting or putting it down do the same again but doing overhead press with it then move onto the same again but hug it for squats.
I was intending to see how many rounds I could do of that, but by then it turned out that 1 was the answer to that question! Key thing being from the start of the first lift to the end of the last squat, you don't let go out test the bag.
@reiteration i think you would enjoy that Sandbag set....
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
It's the turn, you gotta watch the turn....
blue max
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
I do circuit cardio classes with an excellent instructor. I don't do any more than I used to, but do them properly. There is a world of difference between doing something and using good technique. Like keeping your elbows close to your torso when doing press ups. Easy when your elbows flare out.
I do planks with one leg and one arm raised 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
yep, I do pressups at arm out 45% tops... activates your chest more when out slightly... 90% and it works / damages your shoulders... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
Went for coffee with a friend this morning and kinda accidentally are half my bodyweight in breads and pastries......
So did this in the gym then some deltoids action..
Got a pair of 5kg dumbbells, got into press-up position holding onto them then raise the right hand out in front, then up to the side then a tricep kickback then a rear back fly then down. Repeat to 5 then switch to the other side. 45s rest and repeat x 3.
3 x 2mins on the punch bag.
Then 3 x 10 TRX horizontal pullups with hands pronated.
Good fun workout.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
After yesterday's quad killer with walking lunges and wall sits,today's workout was a killer!
Nearly couldn't finish all the burpees and my quads and CNS are fried.
After that I spent some time stretching out then I did a little mini workout of squats,abs and pressups on the vibrating power plate.This was Doris's idea...
Then for a finisher I went onto the cable machine to do flys and back.
7kg on each side
20 in middle position
20 in low to high position
20 in high to low
10 reverse cable flies to his the back and rear debts etc
For 3 rounds done as fast and hard as possible.
Thejacuzzi, sauna and steam rooms,because I'm worth it...
blue max
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:06:56
You're putting the work in there Shodan! Might it not be better to alternate days on and off though?