KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:59

No, the latter.

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:59

So what is wrong with the instant coffee like Kenco Smooth (that's the one we drink)?

Inferno Publish time 26-11-2019 04:38:59

It's gash min, a bit like this cafetiere concoction I have just made.

My machine has gone faulty Grrrrr, now I am at the mercy of Delonghi customer services taking their sweet time , 3 weeks from collection apparently!!!!

arenaman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:00

Of course you can post pics of machines, it was a tongue in cheek comment, we just don't want 2 threads running with the same type of thingsif we can help it, see how it goes

arenaman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:00

Thread ban incoming 

AdrianMills Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:00

Nothing wrong with it. It's a matter of taste and preference. However, comparing an instant with a descent espresso is like comparing Pepsi to a nicely aged single malt.

AdrianMills Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:00

Not to say they can't produce a nice drink if you like that sort of thing - personally, I've yet to taste anything nice out of one - but they are a coffee speciality unto themselves and are more a fast food version of a good coffee.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I can't abide the thought of the billions of plastic pods floating around the world. Kinda wasteful for no reason.

booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:00

hence why a good bean to cup machine is much better all round! Cost more, yes, however the coffee "pucks" that you are left with after brewing are great for the garden!!

Coffee Grounds & Gardening: Using Coffee Grounds As Fertilizer

=adrian= Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:00

I admit, I am a bit of an coffee ignorant. I have been drinking instant all my life. Partially due the fact I could never afford a nice coffee machine, or so I have been telling myself. Partially due to the fact that if I had a nice coffee machine, I would have been drinking much more coffee than I do now.

I like coffee, but limit myself to only a couple of cups per day, as it is not good for the body. I used to drink 5 - 6 cups per day for years, with lots of sugar. But one day decided enough is enough and never had a single cup for 3 years. Now I try to take it easy - usually 2 cups per day with no sugar (I have banned myself from using sugar).

My wife does drink too much coffee as well. I don't think buying a good coffee machine would be a good choice for us 

arenaman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:39:01

I prefer 1 sugar in a coffee but avoid it as i can live without it.
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