KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:36

Double, it's a double shot 
If you push and hold it down, time the extraction at 30 seconds, then release. As long as you don't turn your machine off at the plug, every time you press the double button it will run for 30 seconds.

Dave M Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:36

Just seen a YouTube video about the Gaggia Classic. What's interesting is the guy says you don't need to tamp the coffee if it's pre ground? A good video. Worth a watch.

AdrianMills Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:36

I haven't got audio at the mo but it looks like he uses a pressurized basket on the pre-ground and, like the ESE pods, the brew is determined by the pressurized basket/portafilter rather than the grind size/tamp pressure so that's why he doesn't bother tamping.

BT Bob Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:37

Pretty good summary video - for that machine (pretty-much exactly the same as my old Gaggia Coffee).

Worth noting that Gaggia's steam wand is different to most other manufacturers because of the black Pannarello tube that sits over the wand and makes steaming a bit easier, IMO.

My Sage just has a plain tube, and it took me longer to get anywhere near a decent foam than my Gaggia did.

spinaltap Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:37

Currently, I have a Tassimo T40, Nespresso CitiZ, and Jura A9 Impressa (having previously owned a Bosch VeroCafe and De'Longhi Eletta).

Am I addicted to Coffee?

No. Why do you ask?

Inferno Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:37

Maybe not but looking at them machines your a lazy bugger  .

You canne beat a manual frother, all or should I say all those that do the foam for you make far too much, well the ones I have had experience with do especially Nespresso branded Delonghi machines, they do like 50% froth and whether it's a latte or a cappuccino they are indistinguishable.

spinaltap Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:37

Until it died after 18 months usage, my VeroCafe had an integral/manual frother: it was terrific. By comparison, the carafe feature on the De'Longhi was dreadful - it went back to the shop.

The Jura is the best: producing better microfoam than the dedicated steam wand on my VeroCafe: I'd have no hesitation in buying another Jura, as it produces the right balance between milk and coffee.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:38

Good to hear you liked your Jura, mines sat in a box and to be frank was terrible.
Opened it up to see nothing but awful plastic parts and horrible mouldy coffee that you can't get to unless you strip it down.
The good news is they do fixed price repairing but mines going to the dump as its just a time bomb for going wrong again.

broona Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:38

Thanks for the earlier replies regarding an espresso machine, looks like a De'Longhi Dedica EC680 might just be the way forward, can anyone point more I the direction of the cheapest one at the minute, not fussed which colour it is?

I've used quite a bit of Brown Bear coffee recently, but we've also got a Pumphreys Coffee shop near us so I'll be trying something from there next.

KyleS1 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:40:38

So you want us to google it for you? 
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