richardb70 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:03

Well of course the Earth will continue, and yes, there will be other ice ages. People don't seem to understand that humanity's time on the planet isn't guaranteed for ever, and they think it's "arrogant" to believe that we can affect the atmosphere by our activities. (Have a look at Have Your Say over at the BBC for various moronic contributions). Are we going to be so incredibly stupid as to wipe ourselves off the planet? The dinosaurs had their asteroid, we'll have ourselves to blame.

What I'd love to know is where were all the sceptics/deniers when the Ozone Layer shenanigans were going on? Humans can't affect the atmosphere? Oh really? So if you accept that as fact - or at least beyond reasonable doubt - how much of a leap is it to take into account all the other human factors like massive deforestation, fossil fuel burning and so on?

Grrrr. Humans. Stupid. Given that we're the dominant species, we've been pretty poor caretakers of the place. We deserve everything that's coming.

Nimby Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:04

Do not equate humans with the riff-raff who control us for their own private gain. The affairs of the human race are run by some of the most evil psychopaths on the planet.

Even Obama cannot change anything against the corruption of the local trough dwellers. He has even less power to change anything outside America while the human race is still controlled by dictators, juntas, genocidal priests, drug cartels, arms dealers and media owning crooks. Power always corrupts... Democracy is dead while the present incumbents wheel and deal.

That this tyrant was allowed to attend Nopenhagen is ample proof that our so-called leaders will deal with anybody for a backhander: He smelt Western taxpayer's money and almost ended up sitting next to the Queen of Denmark at the taxpayer-funded, royal trough swilling.

There is something rotten in the state of Denmark:


SyStemDeMoN Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:05

I have refered to this in an earlier post.

As soon as they saw the hole, they banned CFC's.

Because the evidence was there for ALL to see.

BTW the guy who invented the CFC gas also put lead in petrol.

When CFC's were banned, they started using HFC's.

A gas that is 1000times worse for the climate than a car!!

This is used in Air conditioning and freezers in large supermarkets.

If GW is real, why not ban this gas ???
Why not tax it to death as the average motorist is ???

simonoaks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:06

which is, of course, why there is no way there will ever be a global agreement of the world's leaders, and even if there was one, they would not stick to anything.

Which is why I think think we should stop all this delusional money wasting 'stop global warming' campaign and start spending the money on dealing with the potential outcome, e.g. flood defences, water generation, power generation, food supplies etc.

This whole thing is and will continue to be one big gravy train, from both a private sector persective of making money, and a Government perspective of unchallengeable tax hikes in the name of 'saving the planet'.

Nimby Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:07

Imagine if the money handed out to the gambling bankers had been invested in decent home insulation and heat pumps/ solar panels for the ordinary mortals of this world?

It will never happen because dead, hypothermic pensioners don't need pensions. They also served their country but they will never inherit real comfort.

The working and redundant classes need the incentive of a freezing home or high quarterly bills to keep their noses to the grindstone. For a weekly reward which the gambling bankers and corrupt politicians would sneer at for a single, tax-free expenses meal or round of drinks.

SyStemDeMoN Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:08

Completely agree.

My nan and grandad struggle to pay for heating in the winter.We all help out, especially with any stupid bills.
After my grandad fought for 3 years straight, lost his family in the bombing of London and then worked all his life when he got back from the war, he shouldn't be worrying about heating.

So we tell them use as much as they want and we split the heating bill around the family.

I am feeling the pinch as well though.

I seem to spend all my time sleeping and working, and only really enjoy my family at a weekend.

And again your right, MP's would probably laugh at my weekly wage, and would probably complain if that was all they were able to claim for drinks expense only.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:09

The problem is, as has been said ad nauseam (but there are none so deaf.....), that there is no 'thing'.
There is a theory, backed up by some of the best available science, that there may be a problem.
The rub is that the problem (should it be real) is of such great magnitude, that to do nothing would be negligent on a scale never seen before.

So you can wait for 'proof', which by definition of the problem would be too late.Or you can start to consider options.

See Nimby's comment below.The tax raising stance doesn't add up.

Nimby, back on form I see. This forum is always more interesting when you are around.

Nimby Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:10

Mentioned in despatches? Moi? Surely not? 

Wild Weasel Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:11

Oh no no, it's no theory.  Didn't you hear the government? The debate is over and anyone who says not is a flat earther. The Overwhelming Majority Of Serious Scientists™ agree.

So what if they have to 'tweak' a couple of figures to convince the ignorant toiling masses. I'm sure they know what's best for us. A clever strategy of higher taxation and a return to a simpler, iron age lifestye will fix everything.

Nimby Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:12

Huh? We have already dismissed the taxation myth. Read my lips: Great Depression of 2008-18. Increasing taxation when politicians have the credibility of vampires is just not on the books. It would be televised electoral suicide when they should already have fallen on their swords. They are obviously far too comfortable to end it all in ignominy even with their fat, lifelong pensions for following the party line like brain-dead, zombie, lip readers. Even Hitler had more back-chat than Gordon the Moron and his trough-dwelling cronies.
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