Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:58
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:58
Why is it only AGW which produces denialists out of the woodwork?
You have every science available from astronomy to zoology to pick on but the only one you feel qualified to discuss is climate change?
No strong feelings about amoeba or black holes? No deeply held convictions on Boyle's Law or the photo sensitivity of plants? Does carbon nano-tube research leave you indifferent? What about high energy particle physics? No?Cracking the genome of cancer? Still cold? Theoretical Maths? High vacuum plasmas? Microelectronics? Cryogenics? AI? No? Bøøger! There must be one science you know a lot about? What about climate change? Am I getting warm?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:58
Good point but I think you will find it's because it effects all of us in our most sensitive part. Our wallets.
Many feel that governments are jumping on this for the wrong reasons. For them it is an excuse to tax us all. We're a cynical lot I know, but with 12 years of spin from this government we have reason to be.
Even at the Copenhagen summit we have world leaders turning up in huge jets and massive entourages to tell us all not to travel so much. Whatever happened to video conferencing?
By the way the final two programmes on 'Earth: The Climate Wars' have been shown. Quite a balanced argument as far as I can see. There is definite evidence of a small amount of warming but is it bad? And can we really do a lot about it anyway? Shouldn't we do something to conserve resources (oil, gas, etc.) in any case regardless of climate change?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:59
None of those scientific disciplines are rammed down our throats at every available opportunity. Just about every industry has jumped on the climate change bandwagon making themselves appear 'angelic' by trying to convince us they're carbon neutral. It's the done thing to do these days and I seriously doubt there's sound science to back up any of that making a difference.
This is why so many comment on AGW because it's everywhere you turn. The existence or not a black holes somewhere in the universe isn't going to get headlines because they don't have an impact on us.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:59
Perhaps it's because this forum is entitled "Global Warming" that the posts are limited to this particular;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:59
I'm not a 'denialist' - and am quite happy for Carbon taxes etc to be imposed.
However that doesn't and shouldn't excuse bad science - and that was what was demonstrated on Newsnight. Two different bottles filled with different gases, held different distances from different light bulbs, with different temperature probes does not make for good science.
Had forums been around when Fleishman and Pons were appearing on TV, you'd have heard me criticizing them. In a similar way Creationists who try to invoke the second law of thermodynamics, also get short shrift.
It's the absolutes that get talked about with climate science (which after all is the study of a complex system) that annoy me into commenting. Not necessarily the predictions. I hope you can see the difference.
Other sciences, don't, outside of cell biology, have the same level of complexities to cope with - and many of them are dealing with 'testable' science anyway. Climatatologists on the other hand are dealing with a diverse, incredibly complex system, the science of which remains unverifiable beyond the limited scope of a computer model, or waiting 50 years to see what happens.
Show us the results of the modelling, and tell us the hypothesis, report the trends and show us the data, but please don't state what's going to happen like it's a racing certainty.
Wild Weasel
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:30:59
Plus, astronomers and zoologists aren't resorting to quack science and lame scare tactics to base a new religion on.
I bet L Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) is spinning in his grave right now.  <--L Ron
YouTube - BBC Exposes Global Warming Computer Programming Code (ClimateGate): 'Fudge Factor'
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:00
And your qualifications for libelling thousands of multi-disciplinary scientists are...?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:00
Actually this forum is about "reducing our carbon foot print"! And I wish the Mod would stop this and bring it back to what it is here for. Mod?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:00
Mine says 'Global Warming'. Are you in a parallel universe? 