simonoaks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:13


3/. it is happening, but not enough will be done to stop it, in fact some say it is too late anyway, and therefore, why are we wasting so much effort and money on stopping the inevitable, surely we should be focusing all our resources in dealing with the much publicised impending disaster?

ricki Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:14

You mean those disasters predicted in the bible?

simonoaks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:14

or the ones predicted by the scientists, whichever takes your fancy.

ricki Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:14

Look dude, all this things had been foretold over 2 thousand years ago.They are clearly the wrath of the Almighty on the dark side and everyone within that circle.What you global warming/ doomsday conglomerates are doing is trying to add hollywood propaganda to make it ordinary and common.As it is written everyone will know and see with there own eye when this things happens.So there is no need blaming the cows, african people for breathing out CO2 or any other stupid excuses.

There are more plagues coming.Watch out

simonoaks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:14

quality, thanks, I get to start my day with a big smile, what great value you are 

deckingman Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:15

Actually I preferred ricki's post before he editted it. " There are plaques coming".

simonoaks Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:16

a toothless argument, one could say.

Wild Weasel Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:17

The yellow peril. 

ricki Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:18

May be the Yellow peril or not my misinformed fiend 'cause immediately they stop blaming the cows the next thing is the developing countries - I do not need to quote examples for you here take a look at what was going down at the recent copenhagen meeting.

Yellow peril in nazi germany as well? I do not think so.Remember what happened when millions of people died needlessly from the hands of nazis, unfortunately, whoare still in power till now all over world.It doesn't matter to this people as long as the end justify the means.

Same thing happened regarding the outburst of HIV/AIDS which was clearly a manufactured disease/biological germ tested on the people of Africa and South America.This was confirmed by several insiders of the secret service working on the project.Then the blame went to whom?You must see a pattern forming here but some people are too foolish to see.

What other excuses are we going to hear next in other to reduce the population of the world to a manageable chuck perhaps.

NikB Publish time 26-11-2019 04:32:19

Not quite sure what the point of this post is but HIV is not a genetically engineered virus. We are only just beginning to understand the processes in re-engineering viruses. Bacteriophages have been re-programmed but few other viruses have. To completely construct a virus from scratch is well beyond our capabilities even now, let alone one that is as complex as HIV which possesses RNA instead of DNA.

The actual origin was a transfer of a Western African simian virus to humans possibly by blood to blood contact from hunting kills.
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