Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:01
Who do you think is being libellous?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:01
Clearly the topic of this section is global warming, so one would think that includes anything relating to the issue of global warming. I would just like to give kudos for those that have addressed this issue in a balanced manner and not looked to simply attack people. Those that are simply looking to quell dissenting voices with talk of mod's or those that do look to attack, instead of constructively respond, are the real narrow minded individuals.
The BBC newsnight was a damning indictment of how simple the BBC and others consider us to be. The idea that we can be convinced with meaningless rubbish like that, defies belief. I think we can all agree that they are only reinforcing the damage done by the leaked climate gate emails.
I also love the irony of the copenhagen talks talking place during a heavy snowfall, gotta appreciate that lol.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:01
Careful. Your first paragraph was going so well.
The BBC Newsnight demonstration was accurate for what it was - a simple kitchen experiment. The Earth's atmospere is a complex environment interacting with other complex environments - the oceans, the landmass's, the biosphere, etc.. The kitchen demonstration had no external influences - only those in the experiment. We have seen cases where excesses in one part of the Earth's complex parts is balanced by other parts.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:02
Right a kitchen experiment which they were trying to sell to this family as proof that they were wrong and an attempt to hoodwink anyone else who didn't already buy everything they said, that this was gold. It goes to the very heart of the matter that after this simply experiment was conducted, they allowed only one side to have their say. This one sided journalism is pleasing a few but hopefully angering most.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:02
This forum was titled 'reducing your carbon footprint' with the odd thread about global warming allowed. The title of this forum has now changed to Global Warming.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:02
oops. My fault - I hadn't noticed the change in title of the forums. I'll put that down to baby brain.
Sorry folks.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:02
And your idea of 'another side' having its say would be what, exactly? A demonstration where the CO2 bottle does not get warmer?
The main problem with it is that all it did was to demonstrate the greenhouse effect, and nobody argues against that in itself. To try and claim that it thereby showed the truth of GW is simply wrong, and it's this aspect where the journalism was deeply at fault.
The Chief Scientist guy didn't help by trying to put the UEA emails into a context which was politicised and largely irrelevant.
In fact, I believe that your reading of the item is 180deg out. It did nothing for the GW cause. What it needed was a climatologist with the presence of a Dawkins or a Feynman to explain the issue in its entirety, and not just concentrate on its uncontroversial basic building block.
Wild Weasel
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:02
It's interesting that Dawkins tries to stay out of the climate change issue. But then, he's not a big fan of religion.
Anyway, if there really was such a thing, they shouldn't need to fiddle the figures to 'prove' it.
Dr Force
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:02
I'm sorry but i think the hoooohaaah about GW is the biggest money making hoax in human history!!!
The world has been here for millions of years and has had many, many changes which brought a new earth out of these changes.
The world is simply on the shift again, no energy saving lamps, less car usage, better use of burning fossil fuels will halt this change, and i beleive this will eventually end up as another ice age.
How many dinasours used large 4x4's to get around with? the so called scientists suggests we were hit by a comet............quite possible but it may have simply been another change to the earth and millions of years later, off we go again.
I do not mean to be contraversial but governments are taking advantage of the opportunity to pump money into the economy by making the tax payer adopt enforced changes that will simply make no difference to the planets shift in making a new world.
just my opinion
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:31:03
Interesting hypothesis. The opposite pole of all economic thinking during a depression. Where giving Joe Bloggs the confidence to spend more than he earns is the dearest wish of every politician anxious to keep his own personal gravy train firmly on track. And you sincerely think that increasing taxes will achieve this? It's odd but several Americans AGW denialists make this suggestion too. I wonder where I can buy some of what they are smoking.. 