GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:32

What has YOUR solar PV system generated THIS month?

Installed on the 2nd February so only clocked up 27 days this month.

4kWp system paired with a Fronius 3.6kW inverter on a 28 degree roof in the Manchester area.

130.15kWh total for February (27 days)

Peak day of 18.45kWh on the 19th February
Low day of 0.88kWh on the 22nd February

I guess it'll not compare greatly to many of the more southern based systems but I'm quite happy with it considered the many cloudy days we've had up here.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:33

I can't give you a complete month but the last 7 days in Feb were 47.37kW if that helps 

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:33

Better than mine over the same period. My last 7 days were 34.51kWh

Gerbil Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:34

Not sure whether this link will work

My System on PVOutput

3KW system in Newbury with a Power-One Aurora Inverter, SSW facing with I'd guess a 40 degree slope. So far I've been pretty pleased with it. It's a single storey property with some shading from an adjacent roof first thing in the morning and through most of the winter we lose a couple of hours sun thanks to our neighbours excessively tall Leylandii trees which the sun ducked behind at around 1pm each day. Thankfully the sun is now higher in the sky and stays clear of the trees all day. I knew it'd be an issue when we had it installed, but since the winter output is such a small proportion of the total years output I don't think the loss of two hours a day for three months is going to make much difference in the long run.

I've satisfied my nerd side by getting the inverter hooked up to a Linksys NSLU2 running OpenWrt and it now posts the power readings to PVOutput every 5 minutes. I've become slightly obsessed by monitoring the output and my wife thinks I'm very sad 

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:34

Link works perfectly. Here's mine My System on PVOutput

I wish I could configure a system to post readings automatically. Instead I have to make use of logging data from my Fronius IG TL 3.6 inverter via a USB stick then every week or so I remove the USB stick and upload the data to a program on my PC (Fronius Solar.Access) and finally manually enter the data into PVOutput. Ah well!

Gerbil Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:34

I got fed up carrying my laptop out to the utility room once a week to grab the outputs so I had to come up with something. The Aurora Inverter also seems to have a serious bug in that every so often the daily total doesn't reset so the next days output figure includes the previous days reading. I was having to manually adjust the figures every so often by subtracting the previous days reading.

Luckily the way I'm now sending data to PVOutput uses the cumulative generation readings which doesn't suffer from the same bug. The Inverter and the generation meter have a 3% discrepancy, but I can live with that. i.e. Inverter says 400KWh and the generation meter says 387KWh.

Judging by the outputs some UK systems post on PVOutput either global warming has given selective parts of the UK an equatorial climate or there's some very deluded people around...

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:34

That made me chuckle! 

Regarding the difference between the inverter and generation meter readings, has your inverter got a calibration option?
Mine does and I worked out that the inverter was over reading by 0.28% so I've entered a calibration value to align it with the generation meter.

Gerbil Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:35

None that I've discovered so far. Might be available in the installer options but I haven't ventured in there yet. I believe the password details to get into the installer options is available on the web, but it hasn't been a high priority.

dangermat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:35

I managed 183kWh for February.
Best day was 13.6kWh
Worst day was 0.033kWh (snow on panels)
Average 6.3kWh

dangermat Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:35

Have you tried using the 'Bulk Loading : CSV Loader' option?

If you're uploading a months worth of data it's probably quicker than typing it in.
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