Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:51
On PVOutput you can compare your system to other peoples. This is done by comparing the efficiency of the array (generation divided by system size) rather than the total daily/monthly generation.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:51
Hmmm, not to sure what my parents have had popped on the roof = all i know is its an 18 panel install done by a shade greener..
so, free install but they take the FIT and parents get free power whilst generating.
but in the 3-4 days it's been up on their roof it's reported 18,18 and 17 kWh's for sat, sun and today which have all been nice sunny days.
Hopefully they will see a nice reduction in their bills....
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:52
My 18 panel installation uses 180W panels which gives me 3.24kW, most of the free installations seem to around that level.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:52
I have been getting 27 to 29 units so far on the last few sunny days and we did a total of 3600 units in the year last year which gave us a saving of around £270 on our actual bill for the year. But the government gave me just over £1650. That goes up each year though with inflation my electric company predicts it at £1750. Happy days.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:52
Well once again a great month!
Produced 614.5 kWh in May.
Yearly estimated production is 4.200 kWh.
Detailed view can be found here: mypowerunit 3.600kW
And June is performing great until now above 30 kWh/day.
Wishing all a great and sunny summer//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:52
Wow that's brilliant for a 3.6 kwh system, mine is a 3.84 kwh and the orientation could not be more perfect. Your panels must be the really efficient Sanyo ones are they? What did you pay for them mate?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:52
Its Bosch panels and a Fronius inverter. I was told when I ordered the system, the the real output would be better than the theoretical and it might be true.
The price Dkr 75.500,which is around GB£ 8.600. Which makes a payback time at approximate 9 years. Which makes it a proper investment in my opinion.
Kevin OConnor
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:53
I have just found this thread, and have a big newbie qn to ask...
I have just (3 months ago) moved into a house with solar panels on the roof. They are not owned by me but i understand i get money off my bills when it produces electricity.
How do i find out what my panels are producing each day? This would clearly be for my info only as im not getting the FIT...
cheers in advance...
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:53
Is it a rented place? There should be a seperate meter for the panels, usually next to the electric meter but I suppose not necessarily.
Kevin OConnor
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:04:53
Its not rented, I bought in in August... however was very suprised when I recieved zero paperwork from my solicitor upon completion that would answer some of these questions. There is a meter in the loft that i took a photo of today, the reading said 5696.7 kwh with the letters CUM below which i assume to mean cummulative. What timescale would this be? a month/year.