Not sure whether this link will work
My System on PVOutput
3KW system in Newbury with a Power-One Aurora Inverter, SSW facing with I'd guess a 40 degree slope. So far I've been pretty pleased with it. It's a single storey property with some shading from an adjacent roof first thing in the morning and through most of the winter we lose a couple of hours sun thanks to our neighbours excessively tall Leylandii trees which the sun ducked behind at around 1pm each day. Thankfully the sun is now higher in the sky and stays clear of the trees all day. I knew it'd be an issue when we had it installed, but since the winter output is such a small proportion of the total years output I don't think the loss of two hours a day for three months is going to make much difference in the long run.
I've satisfied my nerd side by getting the inverter hooked up to a Linksys NSLU2 running OpenWrt and it now posts the power readings to PVOutput every 5 minutes. I've become slightly obsessed by monitoring the output and my wife thinks I'm very sad  |