What are YOUR solar PV's generating TODAY?
Hi all. Just had a 3.84kw solar PV system installed:-South East UK
-South Facing Roof
-45o Roof
-Ulica 250w / SMA Invertor
It's a sunny day (14/10/2011). We have been generating around 2kw as of 11am this morning. So 50% efficiency.
I wondered if this was good or not. Is the sun not strong enough during september to reach nearer its peak?
So what are you generating today!?! (or tomorrow, or the next.) Lets compare results and get a real idea of how good your system is at operating!! Get posting as this would be very interesting over the year to everyone! 3.2kW system
last 7 days: 47.21
Yesterday: 9.04
So far today: 10.35
at this very second: 1.93 per hr. Seems like a really good output. Where abouts in the country are you?
My day figures are a bit off as currently tree shading is hitting the panels at around 1pm. Will remove soon. But FYItoday = 5.55kw so far. Yesterday = 3.2.300W right now! (3pm). <Location: Oxford UK
I think I hit maximum output at about 1pm, so those trees are making you suffer  kW so far today and still generating at 975W Mine were fitted just as the blizzards began last December - the panels were covered in 5 inches of snow for about 2 weeks. The panels will not generate a massive amount on the winter anyway so I wouldn't worry too much about the tree shadow. Panels are supposed to be made of that hydro-phobic/self cleaning glass so cleaning should only be required every 5 yrs or so.. Update for audiophile:at 11:00am today they were generating 1.90kW, now up to 2.00kW Thanks Iron. Happened to check mine now at 11:39 also and they were at 2.52kw. So I guess they sound roughly on par as mine is a 3.8kw and yours a 3.2kw. Is this october sun not strong enough to get nearer the 4kw mark? It's a perfect sunny day, no shade. I think it's more about UK sun than October sun. Your 3.8kW is probably only attainable under noonday sun on the equator or in a lab.I've only been able to get a real time measurement since the beginning of the month though, so it will be intersting to monitor for a full year. Could be right, although the sun low in the sky cant help, especially with the pitch of my roof. Yes I will be very interested to get a full years worth of data back. I'll upload the month by month graph onto here so others can see what to expect...
-2.5kw as of 12pm. Clear skies 11.42kWh today, pretty much what we have averaged over the summer, so no sign of tailing off yet.Maybe the temperature effect is kicking in?