Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:56
What a poor excuse, it's not 'strategy', if they actually wanted to show a hand of force they would deploy the troops in ALL cities! And as for freeing up Police officers, well if the conservatives hadn't spent the last what 7, 8 years cutting them to the bone and much much much further, they wouldn't need to!
As for hate preachers, so what, as the Sky report I posted above shows, Manchester is a hotspot for radicalisation and recruitment, I find that a worst scenario.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:57
You seem to have completely misinterpreted what I said.
I noted one instance where proactive action, if it had been taken, would have both reduced the numbers of people that MI5 needed to keep tabs on and reduced the risk level.
Certainly not, no point in doing anything.
The horse has bolted and it just did so in Manchester.
Locking the door before the horse bolts is removing suspects before they have any chance to do damage, not after they have done so.
You joking aren't you?
You compare potential trained bomb makers (the example I gave) to ex IS/Daesh members possibly suffering PTSD from the atrocities they've carried out. Which is the most serious risk?
If you could provide a single documented case of PTSD being suffered by a member of the SS Death's Head units, Kymer Rouge, Boko Haram, et al I'd be willing to consider that similarIS/Deash murderers of women and children might suffer PTSD trauma. But I'm guessing the majority of the UK public would take a line of you've made your bed, sleep in it...
If being charitable they might agree the state pays for a ticket to Dignitas
Exactly how do you get PTSD treatment when the reason you have it is due to participating in burning people to death, clubbing them to death, lining them up in mass graves and shooting them in the head and all the other instances of their handywork we have seen in the media. To admit to any of that is a one way ticket to a war crimes trial (held in Iraq or Syria).
Freeing up more armed police to perform mobile duties does nothing in that regard unless the armed police freed up are doing investigation. They aren't, they will be doing enforcement and security guard duties but not investigation. Taking away an armed patrol to go through mobile phone and computer records would not be good use of their skill set.
Reducing the number of people that the security forces such as MI5 need to investigate however means more manpower can be brought to bear on the remaining reduced numbers of suspects. And it is that manpower which has the skill set needed for investigation which remains in short supply.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:57
No. You think UK troops are the only people who get it?
I was pointing out that if you have thousands coming from a war zone they aren't going to be happily picking our blackberries.
It can lead to isolation, aggressive behaviour, drug taking, all things likely to make such a person a prime candidate for being befriended and recruited.
You do think only UK people could get it. Gosh. We have a unique genetic code?
Yes I note how well Ukip is doing in the polls just lately and how so many of the British public are, in no way, sympathetic to migrants...
Every single one was a willing participant? None of them did it out of fear they might get similar? None of them conditioned to see it as normal?
You are involved in this? You know what they will be doing? I thought police did investigate things but hey ho.
How do you know what they will be doing and what they are capable of? What is your background?
I am looking on my phone and I am seeing numerous, intelligence led, arrests. Wonder how they managed that?
Wild shot in the dark. Bomb goes off. They think if you can make one bomb you can make more. Go through suicide bombers stuff. Need lots of people to urgently make arrests. Use army to replace police. Have lots of police available. Start making arrests, investigate links to those arrested. Investigate links to them...
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:57
I suppose the decision to put the army on some Streets was a political one in the context of the election. First the NHS hack, then social care tax then predictable U-turn and now the growing concern of a police and sercurity prevention failure of the Manchester bomber.Far from strong and stable mantra, in essence the very chaotic Government. So the decision to put the Milatray on streets is an attempt shore up the strong and stable narrative.
Not sure but maybe Mayor Burham with his devolved powers has greater say in matters, along with local police advice.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:57
If it is shameless grand standing, then I sense it is starting to back fire. Troops in London only was not a smart move
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:58
Seems they have a bit more to do.
Looks like at least one on a raid. Does he have a barrister with him as well?
Marines are providing EOD operators.
Previous times troops were used.
Troops On The Streets: A History
Troops deploying at Downing Street are being warned not to call anyone a "pleb."
Wait till they call someone "a ****ing c***."
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:58
So not London only then 
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:58
Disgusting sentiment from @Enki trying to make political capital from these events.
You should be ashamed.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:58
I'm getting confused, so are we now complaining that we don't have armed troops on every street in the UK?
I thought the government were 'the enemy' where security and intelligence were concerned?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:59
I was under the impression that the troops where only in London which sends the message that the rest of the country doesn't matter.
I still question the point of them, but if they are going to be used then they should be in all the major cities.
At the moment the government isn't the enemy (no issue with the handling so far), they would only become the enemy if we moved towards a north Korea type state with this being used to justify it. Which no one is applying is likely at the moment