Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:53
Well, so far all I've seen reported in the news is that May has had troops deployed at 'key locations' in London! Not much use then considering the attack happened hundreds of miles away from there... And hardly the deterrent you describe.
Protecting themselves first and foremost? Or have they actually put troops in the UK's cities rather then 'just' the capital?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:53
But apparently there WERE armed Police just inside the building at Westminster... that's what they reported....
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:54
That would make sense... however the Conservatives have spent the last several years cutting back further and further the Police, and I believe the security services too. You see a Policeman today and you want to take their photo as it's so rare!
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:54
A huge challenge is in my opinion that intelligence is hugely dependent on the community and those close to it to do the right thing. As long as that isn't happening intelligence led operations will struggle get information in a timely manner.
Don't get me wrong this is not unique to muslims and mosques. It was only recently when the documentary about the little boy blue was aired. I was in tears and gob smacked how the parents and aunties etc actively tried to protect their child killing sons.
I honestly do not understand that concept, I don't understand it from everyday ordinary people but especially don't understand it from religious people who bang on about their moral compass. As long as those close don't not stand up to this nothing will ever change in my opinion.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:54
I am pretty confident they are already 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:54
So Salman slipped through the net?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:55
from what I read there were no armed officers in the corridors between the door and the chamber - but the point is that if he got in then its too late.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:55
I seriously doubt it. However there is a difference between tracking those for intelligence purposes vs having credible evidence which justifies immediate intervention.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:56
Again the strategy seems to be to use the army to free up police and maybe this is intelligence led. I don't know but I tend to think Whitehall knows a bit more than us when making decisions.
London has had a lot of hate preachers and was known as Londonistan. Perhaps the main threat is still London. Attacking a nations capital still tends to get a bit more attention.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:22:56
Well it's confirmed, the army are ONLY on the streets of London, and I just saw the Police commisionaire claim 'London is open for business'. I can't remember the last time I saw a more perfect display of selfish arrogance. Sod Manchester and anywhere else, so long as 'London is safe and open for business'.
As for anyone who will claim how could they know what this bomber would do, this is a Sky story about how Manchester is a hot spot of radicalisation and this suicide bomber was recruited by one of the MOST notorious of them, some of which are dead, in prison or fighting for ISIS in Syria etc... yeah they knew who he was, who radicalised him and what they were capable off and they still did nothing, yet all of a sudden when he's blown himself up they can magically know who to arrest?
It stinks of laziness by the security services and government.
Manchester bomber linked to key UK IS recruiter