Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:41
She has stopped and thinked before she spoke, she hasn't said their will be only that it is highly likely.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:42
I think the same quote could probably have been applied to a another recent referendum as well 
Marshall Mike
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:43
Watching the news last night they said Nicola would have to ask the new British PM for permission to have another referendum. Previously I thought she didn't need to, as the first one was essentially void because part of the argument to remain was continued EU membership and there was a clause stating if that changed a new referendum could be held, no questions.
Marshall Mike
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:44
IndyRef2: the questions Nicola Sturgeon faces
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:45
Referendums have to go through Westminster. She has come up with her own arguments and made it for that long I can see why there's confusion.
Nicola Sturgeon says she wants Scotland to be in Europe. Do better in the qualifiers and you will be.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:46
I think the SNP have a real problem thinking they can talk directly with the EU.The EU only recognises the UK, so their protocols will limit what they can say to them.I don't think that the EU would let Scottish Government straight into any talks as they do not recognise Scotland, the EU only deals with the UK. I think the only way the SNP can take up any issue with the EU would be via the UK UK Government giving a clear signal to the EU that they have given the Scottish Government some sort of a delegated level of authority to speak directly to the EU about Scottish issues.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:47
Of course it should be up to the Scots how they proceed.However not only the goalposts regarding the EU have moved.My understanding is that the financial case for independent sustainability was based on an oil price more than double what it is now.It was also based on keeping the pound sterling, another EU currency.
These two large changes will surely have some impact.Would Scotland want to adopt the Euro?
Sloppy Bob
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:48
The economics didn't stack up last time and certainly don't now.
Adopting the Euro would be financial suicide. It's all wishes and horses and not grounded in reality. The last referendum was short on facts and big on hopes and dreams. No different now but there's not even a basis of reality in the dreams.
Sturgeon would see the country go down the tubes as long as we're "Free". She's a smart woman and a good political operator but when it comes to Scottish Independence she's completely myopic and will do or sacrifice anything to be rid of the Tories.
(NB - When you say the the word "Tories" in SNP speak make sure to have an object of pure evil in your mind and spit the word out with venom and bile)
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:48
Wee Jimmy Krankie might want to think carefully about blocking leaving the EU.
If she ever wins her independence vote she might find that gets blocked.
Marshall Mike
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:15:48
I think she's grand standing, whipping up fever amongst her supporters, trying to make herself look good.
You're right though, if she wants another referendum she has to play ball. No point in blocking the EU vote as she would never get the go ahead for another.