mikeybabes2 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:33

I have always found it interesting that in the media, Scottish Nationalism is often regarded as a fine and noble thing and English Nationalism is an evil blight of bigots and racists on what should be a civilised society.

Mind you, if the media didn't have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

Nicola Sturgeon is a trouble maker, and is doing nothing more than political grandstanding. The SNP seem to be not only fundamentally dishonest, but also economically illiterate.

She rails against 'Austerity' whilst the current deficit is just shy of 10% of GDP, which as someone posted earlier is about £ 2850.00 per head. Just what level of deficit is required to not have 'Austerity' then ? How long does she think that Scotland would be able to continue with such a level of spending ?

She has been knocking on every door in the EU to see if there is some way Scotland can remain in the EU. She has been politely listened to and told that Scotland is not a member of the EU, and would have to apply to be a member, after the UK leaves -and then politely shown the door.

I am not quite sure which bit of this she doesn't seem to understand.

So let's say Scotland votes for independence and leaves the U.K. To join the EU would take years. Scotland would have to adopt the Euro and get the deficit down to 3% (without having any austerity of course !) to be eligible.

Mind you, Goldman Sachs might be able to help with the paperwork.

But it has also been clearly indicated, in particular by Spain, that there are countries that would veto any Scottish application to join the EU. To be granted membership, all member states must unanimously accept the new member.

So the end result of her plan is that she wants to split from the U.K. and have Scottish Independence, though she knows full well that any application to join the EU will be vetoed.

Scotland would be in economic dire straits even as things stand now, even without any flight of business or population elsewhere, and the last thing the EU needs right now are any more net beneficiaries.

Net result - a Scotland outside the U.K. and outside the E.U. - For the people of Scotland this would be very bad news.

Nicola Sturgeon needs to be very careful what she asks for, as it she just might get it.

It is tempting to say give Scotland another referendum now. Despite what they are saying in public the SNP would absolutely terrified of this. It would expose the fundamental hypocrisy of their public position.

The people of Scotland deserve far better than this.

Member 581642 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:33

However that would be the choice of Scottish people. They may be wrong and condemn themselves to disaster but at least the they will have their independence

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:33

Petrol. Fire.
How far from Trump's approach?

mikeybabes2 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:34

Well that is certainly their right to do so. I would hope that in any referendum that Scotland would choose to remain in the EU, but would completely respect their decision if they wanted to leave.

However, the Scottish people I know are certainly no fools. I'm pretty sure that they would figure out the best course for their own hopes and aspirations.

Certainly, in political respects, England and Scotland are very different, and have been for some time. I can understand and respect a strong urge to split from the U.K.

But that still won't get them membership of the EU will it ? And that is what is being sold to the Scots by the SNP. And an end to 'Austerity' with a deficit of nearly 10%.

I was not proposing to grab anyone by the sporan, if that's what you are referring to.

Also, I don't believe that the practise of democracy is necessarily an act of arson, but its certainly Sturgeon who has the matches.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:34

No, I was talking about Sturgeon.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:34


Sloppy Bob Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:34

Yes, but we'd be FREE.

Free of what I'm not exactly sure other than free of Tory rule. Even though the Conservative party is currently the 2nd most popular in Scotland but that doesn't matter, because apparently in up herewe're all supposed to hate the Tories as they do awful things, such as try to balance out the disaster that is the Labour party and their massive spending on benefits so people will vote for them next time.

But we'd be FREE, to all jump over a cliff like a lemming into a deep well of financial disaster.

Never mind though as according to SNP's projections during the first indyref we'll be rolling in all this oil money. (cough)

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:35

Indeed, democracy at any cost.Hopefully this time their leader won't be hung drawn and quartered and bits of their lifeless body stuck on gates. The real dilemma, is do they get to stay in EU if they vote stay in the Kingdom or is that now leave, not sure..

mikeybabes2 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:35

Oh I'm pretty sure I remember seeing Alex Salmon on Question Time the other day.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:16:35

I'm sure you'll figure it out one day 
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