Should May Go Yes/No
Be interested to see a poll on here about; Should May Go: Yes/NoDon't know how to do it myself 
Personally Yes. Soon as is practical.
She didn't get her endorsement as the Supreme Leader.
She showed terrible judgement on about everything related to the General Election.
And she is the one who masterminded a coalition of chaos. For her own Party  I don't know, maybe she should stay.
She has done a lot of good for the Labour Party. Poll added  Not if she is going to be replaced by BoJo. I expect she'll probably go in a few months, but who would make a decent replacement? Yes, that's the problem.
Apparently Davies is being blamed for pushing her into calling the election so he's not popular with the Party. I don't buy that though, I think it was pure power and vanity and the thought she could then overrride any proper parliamentry discussion. Almost single handed  She certainly did not have her hand on the Tory tiller.
Weak performance, expected better from Theresa. No , her advisors bloody should though. Interesting question....can see good arguments for both.
I can see if she goes, there will be infighting in the Conservative Party, reshuffles, and a bedding in time for the new plays to find heir feet.
If she stays, its far from ideal, but at least the party are fairly cohesive at this time.The priority surely needs to be Brexit..and get on with the job.
I think she vastly underestimated the risks with calling an election, but I'm not convinced they did so badly because of May specifically. I think people voted for similar reasons to Brexit.
* NHS is in trouble because of the EU (immigration).
* Schools are in trouble because of the EU.
* Police are in trouble because of the EU.
People voted for Brexit because they felt disengaged and left behind.I think during the election, we know we are leaving the EU, but the Tory's are now planning more cuts, which doesn't make any sense as more people are in employment now, and surely we should have more money when we leave he EU;people again have voted again for change.
It's my opinion, and don't expect people to agree.
As for whats next, Westminster Brexit votes are probably going to be more difficult unless the parties engage with each other; they need to engage with each other and agree what is important to the UK, so when discussions happen in Brussels, we don't end up with more arguments locally when they are brought back to be voted on. If she goes there will be another leadership election. Then the usual "hasn't got a mandate" nonsense. She will go before the next election. I don't think elections are her thing. She didn't join in with debates and interviews and the Conservatives need to ditch stuff like fox hunting etc.
I was talking to someone with teenage kids today. Apparently Snapchat or something has a Labour advert every few pages. Labour is suddenly viewed as cool. If you haven't lived through the 70s you might be taken in by someone promising the moon on a stick. Labour galvanised a youth vote. The conservatives might have to do similar and if it means we run up a huge debt, well that is what it takes to get in government.