The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:46
The 1922 Committee appear to be backing May.
The prime minister should stay in office and there was no need for another general election, says Graham Brady.
The chairman of the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee told Andrew Neil that he detected “zero appetite amongst the public for another election”.
He said the country needed “experienced” and “responsible people in government” ahead of talks with the EU.
And he rejected claims from the presenter that some Conservatives had told him Theresa May must never lead the party into another election: “I don’t agree with that.”
He added: “We are resolutely focused on trying to make sure the country can have the responsible steady government it needs.”
Anything else would be suicide for the party in reality, I don't think TM will be going anywhere this year.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:47
I was just about to vote "Who cares", but it appears I already voted and totally forgot about it or what option I voted for. So I really must not care and hope I originally voted that way.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:47
@krish, if you view the results of the poll the category you selected will be asterisked and in bold.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:48
Oh dear, I voted yes (she should resign), but now don't care
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:49
She should go. She's demonstrated that she doesn't have the ability to drive a result. Her policies are a complete mess and even she doesn't believe in them enough to stick to them. Regardless of what you think of Boris at least he has shown he can actually get people to vote for something. I'm sure she is a decent cabinet minister but she definitely isn't a leader and has no chance of securing a decent deal with Europe.
She had the perfect storm to bury both the lib dems and labour as both of them are unelectable. Problem is she just hasn't got it in her. I suspect that virtually any of the others in her party would do a better job.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:50
Regardless of what people want, it's pretty clear her prime ministership is mortally wounded and untenable in the medium to long term. She's flushed ALL her credibility with her party, her country and the EU down the crapper with a reckless gamble. What she needs to do now is combine her own exit plan with a Brexit strategy to reconcile this nation.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:51
I hate to say it, but it seems to me the only person with the charisma, intelligence, skills, experience and power to negotiate with the EU is Boris Johnson.
...If only he can keep his mouth shut 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:52
See this is where I come from ( traditionally not a Tory voter , twas my first time  ) and she has now a limited lifespan. I can not understand the mentality of actively seeking and encouraging failure to deliver .
I see some have had enough of this party politics and yet actively engage in what is no more than consoke fanboy console tribalism.
I have no allegiance to any party and vote every time on what I believe is best for the UK at that moment in time , and that's it.
That said this was a piss poor Tory campaign and quite rightly they got it in the arse for it . The UK votes for a strong party manifesto not a president in waiting , and it will cost her . Not yet though I hope as that could be even worse for the UK.
la gran siete
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:53
not for me to say who should lead that party but from the leader's tv debate I thought Amber Rudd conducted herself with a great of poise and dignity, although she most obviously wasn't constructed in a charisma factory
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:07:54
Should she say or should she go?
Well, if she stays it certainly will be trouble; but if she goes, it most certainly will be double.