Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:58

The diplomacy will be between China and America, once China has achieved its aim it will rein in North Korea, probably some disputed islands, maybe Trump threatening China trade positions will ease off. The time to worry about North Korea is once China has achieved economic and milatray superiority, in the mean time it will play these games like many times before.

The sanctions are a bit woolly as usual , and no doubt more North Korea products added to the already endless list of sanctionable goods will be labled ' Chinese' to get round sanctions, it’s a boring one, every time North Korea does this, I ask myself what does China want this time?

mark6226 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:58

Leave them alone. They aren't a threat. Trump is just itching to press the button. It's to distract his own people from what's is happening at home.
North Korea aren't expansionist they are isolationist. Therefore they aren't a threat.
But for trump they are the ideal target.
If he's so concerned about human rights and spreading democracy, why doesn't he turn his vitriol on to Saudi Arabia. They are probably the most oppressive, right wing, dictatorial regime in the world.
Yet trump and the uK lets them get away with the most appalling human rights violations imaginable.
I wonder why.
Banging the proverbial drum is much easier with NK. Let's face it, where would American Capitalism be without Saudi oil and their human rights atrocities?
War is peace.
Ignorance is strength
Bang the drum and you get those things two neatly packaged with an electorate who will march behind you like obedient lemmings.
And we dare to condemn Isis for brainwashing.
The Americans need to look closer to home for the real enemy of the people

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:58

78%, went with milatray action under guise of humanitarian aid and self defence of my own people with no UN backing however, broad agreement from the international community as the UN tied itself up in legalities.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:59


I have to say, what you state is absolutely correct but truth be told this blind acceptance of many of these vile middle eastern regimes like Saudi etc is not only down by Trump (who has only been in the job about 7 months) it is has been the standard US & Western Policy for decades regardless of who is President - both the Democrats & Republicans alike. Obama's Policies only emboldened & empowered such regimes as did many of his predecessors. We in Europe follow the same model.

I find it ironic that many of the regime changes orchestrated by the US/West in the Middle East have been purely against States/Nations which do not have a Royal Ruling Class. The Wahabbist & Salafist nations like Saudi that promote this hateful ideology are given absolute free reign & will not or cannot be criticised at all - the double standards are just astronomically huge.

The Oil in the Middle East & the might & power of the USA both economically & militarily control & dictate pretty much everything on a global scale & the lies, mistruths, misdirections & propaganda generated to justify matters drowns out everything else.

Remember, Iran was a huge ally of the USA & West until the USA decided it suddenly wanted a regime change & orchestrated to get of a pro-western Shah & replace it with the Mullahs - now they harp on about how dangerous they are. The USA alway seems to open up a dangerous Pandora's Box to prove how great & powerful they are & are then always trying to close it back up decades later.

As for NK, it fully knows that one it launches any kind of attack, it will be game over for them & will not do anything without China's approval or instructions. True they are not expansionist but my concern is for the millions of everyday people who have to go through a daily living hell due to the politics of China, NK & USA/West - we cannot forever turn a blind eye to such evil as we have been doing for decades to their plight & imho, the sad reality is that they will continue to suffer for many decades to come - Neither the USA, the West to China gives a real damn about them - they are just expendable human pawns in this sick game of power & politics.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:59

When you say Korea gets a bad press I agree about South Korea.

The Dark Horse Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:59

For argument sake say of this blows over, what happens in say 5-10 years time when North Korea might well have the ability to strike anywhere in the world?

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:04:59

There have been a number of analyses and it is pretty consistent - North Korea will invade South Korea, inflict a lot of South Korean casualties (100kI think) before the better weapons kill them at which point there will be a massive disaster recovery operation to help the staving in North Korea with fanatics causing more problems.
Naturally the North Korean leadership won't survive it.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 02:05:00

If it all goes tits up, that might be the lesser option of many evils.   Keep the big guns out of it, so to speak.

Do hope that SK doesn't have too many casualties though.   They have some of the fittest babes on the planet.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 02:05:00

I will upset a few people with this but the long term casualties means it might be the best solution.
Apart from casualties due to starvation etc. in North Korea (yes, they get food aid from outside) there are a lot of armed forces and there are day to day accidents and casualties. it adds up over decades.
Plus that money could be put to better use.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:05:00

Bear in mind the large impact the reunification of Germany was. North Korea is a much bigger basket case. The impact will be huge if they ever reunify.
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