Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:23
"Your Country Needs You"
"England expects that every man will do his duty"
When I hear or read these words does my chest swell with pride? Do I stand to attention, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, chin up, eyes brimming with pride and sign up?
No. I serve my country in other ways. Thankfully I have never saluted or followed the flag - any flag.
Also, there has been a misunderstanding. My post was about YouGov using the word 'proud' in their question to slant any response to meet whatever agenda they might, or might not, have.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:24
Again totally alien to me, but alas totally your choice. Luckily there are those who don’t think like that and we have our freedoms today.
And no there has been no misunderstanding at all. At least not from my perspective.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:25
In this context though what could you actually be proud of . Being gay, children or promotions? All could be classed as accidents of birth in some form or another.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:26
Totally agree on the gay pride thing, equally nonsense. Children and promotions though, assuming you mean work rather than BOGOF, are things to be proud of (or ashamed with some kids!)
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:27
Just for fun I double checked myself, you know you are never too old to learn and maybe I understood the translation for Dutch but England has a different meaning attached it.
So I looked up proud in the dictionary that is age appropriate and get a feeling for what the younger generation thinks it means.
I must admit that is much more shocking, if they can’t get proud we are doomed. We are heading the way of Germany. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:28
Both were intended for people going to serve directly in a fierce war, you aren't. No different to Henry V's St Crispin's Day speech or what Churchill and others have done.
“When I warned them (the French Government) that Britain would fight on alone whatever they did, their generals told their Prime Minister and his divided Cabinet, “In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken.” Some chicken! Some neck!”
Speech to Canadian Parliament 1941
Ever played sport or been with others who do? In a similar manner if you were a footballer going into an important match you'd expect the team coach to come up with something rousing for the team before kick off.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:29
It's where "English" identity had the resurgence hence I had to go back to that time of the articles. You didn't want me backing up the point I was making?
Before Scottish and Welsh devolution we were just "Britain" or "the UK," we had different regions but it was never a big deal, then the Scottish started wanting "fffrreeddooommm" had devolution and waving their flag and their anthem and so the English started waving the St George cross rather than the Union flag and it begun there. Since then there has been calls for an English parliament, an English anthem (usually "Jerusalem" is used) and having Scottish MPs unable to vote on English laws. This "English identity" didn't start with the English.
For the left yes. Another old article. Sorry.
Eighteenth century French traveller
“They will break panes of glass and smash the windows of coaches, and also knock you down without the slightest compunction. On the contrary, they will roar with laughter”.
Upon attending a football game in 18th century England
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:30
Why is it, "for the left"?I wouldn't class myself as left wing yet I still see the impression of football hooliganism and far right abuse of the English flag.Your own example even shows how an 18th century French traveller saw the same English football hooliganism (even if they were funny too).
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:31
It tends to be those on the left or those that vote for them that are against any form of patriotism, nationalism, pride or whatever else you want to call it. Who do you tend to vote for?
Exactly. Nothing new about football hooliganism.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:02:32
With regards to a new anthem for England it would probably be more appropriate to make no mention of god or the monarchy imho..
Certainly agree with what you are saying but before devolution i was english,i didn't become english after
I think what annoys people is that to celebrate England or being English is seen to be jingoistic but it is ok to celebrate everything else (you only have to look at the stupid hats dished out in pubs on St Patricks Day to see that) and the results of the poll (does anyone know anybody who has ever been asked in these polls cos i don't) are probably not representative of the truth because it is not Politically Correct to say so....