Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:38
Interesting stuff but can we get back to the original topic please? 
Like I said before, there's some interesting in the survey behind the upfront headline grabbers. Older people less positive about the future of England, remain voters more positive than leave voters about the future, attitudes towards what makes someone English...
The last one is intriguing in light of our "English" sporting heroes that we cheer on in national team colours. Mo Farah, Raheem Sterling, Bradley Wiggins, the list is huge.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:38
Another misuse of the word, I'm definitely more grammar nazi than liberal it would seem. I'd probably not provoke such ire over that though, not like last time I pointed out pride being used as a misnomer on here!
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:39
Sorry about taking it off on a tangent but it was (tenuously!) linked to patriotism.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:40
Is this like how anti-Semites are attracted to Labour? Isn't anti-Semitism a characteristic of Nazis?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:41
Maybe. My first thought was, "a poll?" Not again.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:42
Isn't that for another thread?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:43
Yeah i had heard of him before,,,reading in to it it looks like he was sentenced to 10 months for contempt of court and an additional 3 months for breaching the terms of the suspended sentence..
So afaict he would have been entitled to a trial to establish whether he was in breach of his suspended sentence,,,,could find no mention of the breach of peace he was arrested for and all done in a matter of hours
Forget who it was and what he might stand for but can you see how this looks suspicious.
My point was more about them playing in to the far rights hands
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:44
But isn't Raheem Sterling the only one who of those who actually represents a national team (sorry couldn't resist 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:45
Depends how it's spun unfortunately, in this case, wide and far by people trying to benefit from Robinson's contempt of court imprisonment (which he plead guilty to).
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:01:46
I didn't know that UKIP have waded in on Robinson's martyrdom too.Seems odd for a political party to get involved in a simple contempt of court hearing?;
"As for the suggestion (by UKIP among others) that nobody has ever before been found in contempt of court and a postponement order made preventing the media from immediately reporting it, a handy example can be found on 22 May 2017, where one Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was found to be in contempt at Canterbury, and a postponement order was made restricting publication until the end of the substantive trial.
No trial has ever taken place on the same day as a suspect’s arrest, oh FAKE LAWYER. This was special treatment dished out to a man who is a thorn in the side of the establishment. What do you say about that?
If we were talking about jury trials, I’d agree with you. But Yaxley-Lennon was not “tried”. The contempt proceedings were held on the same day, as is entirely standard (see details of the summary procedure for contempt above), and he admitted that he was in contempt of court. There is no special treatment here whatsoever. Anyone, infamous far-right totem or otherwise, would have been subject to the exact same process for contempt in breaching a reporting restriction. Not everyone would have been sent straight to prison; but then not everyone has a suspended sentence hanging over them for a near-identical offence."
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