EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:35

Interesting take you have on the words 'chosen few'.

May I suggest you do a google search on the words 'chosen few'. Nowhere can I find listed anything on 'typical accusation' or used by 'Jew haters' or anything to do with 'perpetuate the conspiracy'. In fact Jews were not mentioned at all.

Could you clarify what you mean please?

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:35

I thought this implosion was down to Jeremy Corbyn's incompetence, lack of leadership and general dithering and not wanting to take responsibility.

But looking at the sequence of events leading up to Naz Shahs suspension, it looks like he was actually moderately supportive of Naz Shahs ignorant and offensive;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Initially, Corbyn's spokesman said he wasn't suggesting she was anti-Semitic!
Naz Shah said she made remarks she doesn't agree with. ??Yes, she doesn't agree with herself.

Corbyn refused to do anything, so the question was asked if he had the authority to dismiss her. Answer of course, yes he is the leader!
But having met her for a cosy chat he has chosen not to.

After the apology in the house it "was mutually agreed that she is administratively suspended from the Labour Party by the general secretary".What the does that mean? She agreed as well?

Jeremy either ducked out of his leadership responsibilities because he is weak or he still thinks what she said was OK. He let an administrative body suspend her.

I wonder if he has called Ken (if they are still talking) and asked him to stop putting coals on the fire?

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:35

He then went onto be anti-Semitic using a claim he's used a few times before about Hitler and Zionism. He's got form on this one, he disguises his hatred of Jews under the guise of critiquing Israel.

This isn't aimed at you, various interviews with Kershaw (overall a good site for information on WWII). The relevant ones being on the Holocaust -
Professor Sir Ian Kershaw > Professor Sir IanKershaw >

Well the main mistake was perhaps the Arab states not signing up for the UN's 1948 Partition plan and it all went to hell in a handbasket. Along with the 1967 war setting the tone for the conflict as we know it today.

I'd forgotten he'd done those interviews. I think the wheels on the Corbyn bus are starting to fall off a bit.

As for those who say this is a Blairette plot ? It's a pretty poor one as they know they do not have the support of the grassroots of the party to win a leadership election with a candidate from that side of the Party. I want Dan Jarvis to become Party Leader, but we shall see.

Mshulla Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:36

Seems to be a real double standard being applied here. Take BJ's comment re Obama's Remain speech. "The part Kenyan president's ancestral dislike of the British empire."Let's substitute "part Kenyan" with "Jewish" does he get away with it the way he has? I suspect not

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:36

Good summary and about sums up our duplicitous politics and media, enjoyable all the same for the sycophantics.

robel Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:36

Wasn’t my party, at the time of which I’m speaking, composed of 90 per cent of left-wing elements?”-Adolf Hitler

Can we really blame certain elements of the Labour party for their feelings when Hitler was a Socialist?

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:36

This comparison never ends well for our capitalism free markets and financial sector, amoral they were in German National Socialist Party evil plans. Yes Anti Semitism is just Labour problem we get it. However, not so long ago we had 'Aiden Burley' running around in Nazi uniform doing Hitler greetings.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:37

On LBC Ken Livingstonesaid he regrets bringing Hitler to the discussion. But did not want to say sorry, because, as far as he is concerned he didn't say anything inaccurate.

Fair enough. But he is not keeping up with the times. These days you are expected to say sorry even though you don't mean it! He should have read Naz Shahs apology and used that as a template. She actually said she didn't agree with what she had written!

As David Mellor observed, the labour party used to attract the Jewish vote, but now they are in a quandary, because the Muslim vote is more important.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:37

Ken won't say sorry. He didn't want to do it for calling a Jewish journalist a concentration camp guard. He doesn't think he does anything wrong.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 02:00:37

Indeed the same the same can saidabout recent Tory Governments, if you have the majority of your working life in front of you, don't vote Tory, everything they do is keeping in with the babyboomer at the expense of tbe striving young. If its the numbers game to take number 10, that's how UK Politics works.
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