Uber in London
So, it appears that Labour London Mayor Khan, who bans pictures of ladies in Bikinis on the tube andwelcomes refugees, does not welcome innovation and technology in the capital, and is happy for 40,000 drivers to be thrown out of work.Nice to see he's got his priorities right. Again.
Transport for London will not renew Uber's licence I would welcome pictures of ladies in bikinis on the tube, and ban refugees.
However Uber is not so straightforward.I think there needs to be more checks and balances on Uber, and their drivers.I'll give an example.I was in an Uber about 3am one morning, it was driving north on a quiet M1 just north of Brent Cross.The car was sitting in the middle lane, and I asked the driver why he was sitting in the middle lane.He said, "Because that's where you're supposed to drive!"Sorry, you shouldn't be allowed to drive yourself if you're as ignorant of the rules of the road as that, let alone drive passengers.
So I think higher regulation and standards need to be imposed for them to maintain their licence, which I expect they will eventually. Sure,but since when have the driving standards of mini cab drivers prevented them from having a licence? I have been in many (non Uber) mini cabs where the standard of driving was appalling. The middle lane hoggers are a numerous curse of our motorways, it would be unfair to expect your average Uber driver to be any better.
Yes they need to be safe, but I fear this is a clear political decision influenced by the black cab trade, who resent any competition. They haven't met the rules laid out by parliament for tfl to enforce.
About time they realised they have to operate to the same standards as all cabs in London. Of course, my mistake. It's clearly not a political decision at all.  Exactly, flagrant rule breakers lose their licence. Are we back on Wayne Rooney? I'm not sure what you were doing on Wayne Rooney, but that wasn't me in your threesome What strange fantasies you have. I'm sure your thought processes must be routed in reality. All for new technology etc etc but I don't generally have too much of an issue with this mornings decision, if, as it seems, tfl are concerned about various standards not being met.
Never been in an Uber and hardly ever going in taxis anyway.
Far too expensive