Time for Farage to "take a break"?
The UKIP power struggle continues. To quote Carswell: "On Monday, Ukip’s national executive committee made a decision to reinstate Nigel as party leader. Yet even leaders need to take a break. Nigel needs to take a break now.”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/ukip/11609957/Ukips-only-MP-calls-for-Nigel-Farage-to-take-a-break-as-leader.html
So is he right or wrong? Should Farage stay, re-stand for election or go? Several papers suggest that Carswell and his conspirators feel that Farage will be a weakness for the upcoming EU in/out vote. But Raheem Kassam, the former Chief of Staff who devised the (horrific IMHO) "shock and awe" tactics such as quoting HIV figures, says they are simply self-serving. Maybe, but is that mutually exclusive?
So do our resident Kippers want Farage to stay or go? Personally I hope he stays as it will make the 2016 vote much easier to win...for the 'stay-in' camp  I have a comment to make....  Agree. Get over this hating UKIP. Have a holiday  Amusing. UKippers tells us they are a "major party". The leader of that party will be critical as the key focal point for the 'out' camp in upcoming EU referendum. And yet any mention of the potential challenge results in personal attacks on me. Its amusing because I deliberately held back from posting to see if anyone else would...yet nobody did. Which either means the (admittedly) small readership of the forum falls into one of four categories:
- They are too embarrassed to comment
- They think the party is an irrelevance
- They can't see the potential political impact the leadership will have on the referendum (or they don't think that referendum will be a 'fair' test).
- Nobody wants to post because they will just be set upon by the Ukippers
I wonder who falls into which category?
EDIT: I see a similar view is expressed here:
Ukip’s warring factions could bring down the Eurosceptics - Telegraph Carswell says Farage, "should take a break from being leader but not a break as leader." Or at least that was on the BBC.
Douglas Carswell expands Nigel Farage 'break' comments - BBC News
I read it as he should take a holiday. You are taking it as him leaving as leader for good.
For the record, my take is everyone deserves a holiday. Ok?
Didn't post earlier as I was working. I initially read it that Carswell was taking about Farage's neck. His clarification implies he'd be happy with an arm or leg. I fall into category 5 -
All electioned out and no longer giving a flying fankula about politics for the time being UKIP did not get enough seats to make a difference now.
I would say their work is done. as both Labour and Conservative have taken on board the UKIP message. We will be having a vote on The EU and immigration is a topic that can no longer be brushed under the carpet, for fear of committing a PC crime.
As for Farage, he did a really good job at getting nearly 4m votes. He should be congratulated.
Imagine if Ed had any where near that kind of leadership charisma, we could be looking at a labour gov.
I don't know why people go on about Farage - it makes interesting gossip that's about all.
Just look at the Labour Party fisco. They are having twice the internal turmoil and presently sailing without a Captain. Many of the big cheeses have gone and it will take a years to sort their house out. This stage show Farage, is just cover for the Conservative/Labour, fully exploited by the other luvvies in the press, so they can realign themselves and ignore the grass roots.
A few tugs on the lugworm, he will be fighting fit! UKIP is primarily a protest party and have few if any constructive aims to hold members together.
I agree that Farage did very well to get so many votes.