logiciel Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:32

Wow, we're already up to a dozen posts more or less about my one!
Some folks are so sensitive!

nabby Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:33


pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:33

Skeptical of foreign things/people, I suppose that is just natural/cautious, generally people don't wade out into the wider world with their arms wide open accepting all that washes over them, they'd be naive idiots and we have plenty of children's tails to teach that out of people.

No there are people who do have an irrational fear, be it of foreigners, or skin colour, sexuality or religion, even when they know about it/people 'of it'.Others that display similar thoughts are doubly ignorant, not knowing and not wanting to know.Lets call a spade a spade, but at the same time not try and tar everyone with the same brush and accuse them of any number of the above when they haven't displayed anything of the sort.

But to further complicate out little world, isn't it ironic that it is see as acceptable to say everyone who is rich or a tory or a ukip voter is a certain way, often by the people who so vociferously get offended on the behalf of others on one of colour/race/sex ... (i.e. happily tar people with the same brush, act in a prejudice/discriminatory matter, by ironically calling out people as being prejudice/discriminatory, hypocrite comes to mind).

nabby Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:33

We all love to apply stereotypes to reinforce our views of something or someone.

pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:33

While true, you'd think those accusing others of stereotyping would be a little mindful of actually stereotyping in the same thought, breath and sentence.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:34

All it needed was Raheem Kassam to burst into the Sky newsroom and scream “they’ve hit Bunny!”  //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:34

The duplicitous language, defined to me, on numerous occasions as " your language of crooks". Good luck.

nabby Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:34

Are you talking about politicians or people on here or both? Btw your statement above pigeon-holes people who accuse others of stereotyping as being a stereotype. It's an ever-decreasing circle and sometimes we have to just let it go and move on.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:34

Seems to do the same trick you do. Previously your take was adding together those who had voted for anything other than UKIP, to make out people were actually pro-EU as they had voted for "pro-EU parties".

But in seat after seat Ukip candidates were swamped beneath a tide of anti-Ukip sentiment. Nigel Farage is fond of boasting about the 3.8 million votes he got on 7 May. But if he wants to win a referendum he’s currently 11 million votes short.

A false accounting based on a single issue. If you want to do the same then 16 million just voted for a referendum on the EU (Conservative voters plus EU voters, both had it as a policy).

pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:34

Not really, as I'm saying those that broad brush call UKIP voters racist, is one not stereotyping that individual as it is the words from their own mouth, no inferring/implying going on.
The person making the statement is stereotyping a group, by claiming the group themselves stereotype other.

The same applies to those who vote Tory as seen in social media, or that horrendous Frankie Boyle's 'Post Election Autopsy', which was an hour long attack on anyone who voted that way.

For example while I may think that that green policies are a little naive and fruity, I won't judge anyone who votes that way as being Anti Nuclear, Vegan, muesli knitters, people often have many decent reasons for their votes/actions/beliefs.Although there are plenty of people who do so out blind loyalty, actual naivety or simply racing hatred for the 'other side', I wouldn't assume that nor cast aspersions.
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