The UKIP power struggle continues. To quote Carswell: "On Monday, Ukip’s national executive committee made a decision to reinstate Nigel as party leader. Yet even leaders need to take a break. Nigel needs to take a break now.”
So is he right or wrong? Should Farage stay, re-stand for election or go? Several papers suggest that Carswell and his conspirators feel that Farage will be a weakness for the upcoming EU in/out vote. But Raheem Kassam, the former Chief of Staff who devised the (horrific IMHO) "shock and awe" tactics such as quoting HIV figures, says they are simply self-serving. Maybe, but is that mutually exclusive?
So do our resident Kippers want Farage to stay or go? Personally I hope he stays as it will make the 2016 vote much easier to win...for the 'stay-in' camp  |