Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:36
Big increases in net migration into the Uk, both from EU and rest of world, time for Farage to take a break on immigration. Its blatant this is not a wide and important issue for people of the Uk.Figures released during election period suggested this and widely reported, the electorate took Cameron's word and judged him!
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:36
Yet politicians talk about the word on the doorstep is immigration, immigration, immigration.
15Million people voted for a EU referendum.Might be an issue for some of them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:36
You mean against no limit ED and don't have borders Bennett?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:37
What has non EU immigration got to do with the EU, I'm struggling!
I'm firm believer in the harsh economic reality, when the only differences in the plumber etc, is broken english and a cheaper price. Broken english and cheaper price plumber, gets the job,, always the need to do it more cheaply.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:37
What about the 31Million who didn't 
All you can say really is about 10% of those who voted and 8% of the total electorate are primarily concerned about leaving the EU/immigration issues.
The rest, you simply can't be sure of anything other than it isn't as high a priority for them as other issues one way or another. Those who voted Conservative didn't necessarily vote for an EU referendum - that could simply be a byproduct of voting for the Conservatives for other policy issues.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:37
I voted Conservative for a few reasons; the EU was very low down on my list. Local representation (we have a good MP who is a decent guy) was a far higher priority.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:37
Heads buried in the sand
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:37
Well at least no one can claim that immigration can't be talked about any more. It's in the news almost every day and that will only increase as the EU referendum issue becomes more concrete.
As a small aside, Cameron's statement this morning was idiotic and designed to placate people into thinking he's doing something when, based on the announcement of new measures today, he won't be able to change things much at all. Not unless we all start dobbing in illegal immigrants to the authorities.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:38
An we're all the better for it (first para).
Yea his talking about illegal immigration is welcome, but what has that got to do with the legal stuff?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:34:38
He's talking about measures because it distracts everyone from the numbers. His "new" measures are already in place to a certain extent. Currently business owners can be prosecuted for employing illegal immigrants (a restaurant local to me was done for this a couple of years ago).
The idea that the average illegal immigrant has a bank account and is payed by BACS is nonsensical and mocks our intelligence. Almost to a man they're paid cash in hand. You can't confiscate someone's cash, assuming you can even locate it.
Added to which, Theresa May yesterday announced further cuts to the police budget. And yet they're part of the front line in tackling this. Oh and when she talked about the police crying wolf, her face was a picture when it was pointed out that in that story the wolf was real and the boy got eaten by it.
The Tories talk down to us. Nothing changes.