Inversekinematics Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:08

As does Wales

like many parts of the UK, Wales has issues with poverty. Nothing new.

You have Welsh Lamb, butter. The list is endless.
And exports are up. (This is why the EU trade is important to Wales)
Welsh Government | Welsh exports

The Welsh natural resources site doesn't offer information you think it would.
Misleading is you ask me.

Search for Welsh Gold / Copper / Salt mines. I'd link but there are many.

Edit: I forgot the Welsh cheese!
Can't have Rarebit without Welsh cheese!
iechyd da, and all that stuff.

Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:09

Just reading the list of exports, what is "Other Transport Equipment"? The steel and petroleum products are on dodgy ground and seem to hang on year by year. I am guessing that is Tata steel works and Milford Haven refinery?

Ifor Willaims make trailers.....

sebbykin Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:10

Hope there wouldn't be a problem regarding a border!...Although, if the Senedd thought it would benefit their quangos 

Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:11

Knowing this lot they would resurrect Offa's edifice.

On paper of course, after a lengthy fudge up of the investigation of feasibility costing millions. Then contract it to Bodgit Leggit and Sons.

Edit. They could turn the Severn Bridges into draw bridges?

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:12

With a crayon and paper?

Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:13

Just goes to show how bad the edjumification is here.....

But seriously, crayon? Coal, we have loads of it.

Inversekinematics Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:14

Luggage transport, hand carts etc.

Yep, all subsidised no doubt. Tata operates in South and North Wales.
Murco closed the MH refinery in 2014 and shipped it off to Asia.

Nothing is certain any longer.Nothing lasts forever.

Inversekinematics Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:15

Senedd aren't fit for purpose.

Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:16

Port Talbot was one of my possibles for an apprenticeship on leaving skool.

Inversekinematics Publish time 26-11-2019 01:33:17

Hopes, dreams and livelihoods have been shattered everywhere.
GB is now mainly a service sector. If it wasn't for government subsidies all heavy industry would have gone elsewhere. I recall in the early 90's some factories being given cash incentives to employ Welsh workers, In Wales!!!
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