springtide Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:46

Its not about the money or whether they will be worse off, it's about the ability for them to make their own rules and decided their own destiny.

I think this has been discussed elsewhere on other threads.

Maybe the Celts will come together and form a new union?

springtide Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:46

So you agree with leaving the EU?

springtide Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:46

Thought they wanted independence ,,not leave a union to join another
Unless you mean a union against the anglo saxons 

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:46

As opposed to the Welsh Saxons?

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:47

I didn't say i agreed with it, just the reasoning is the same.

There is the feeling that Westminster has never done anything for Wales and the national assembly is the strongest I've seen in my lifetime.

Westminster has never been forgiven for closing the coal mines, even though most of us understand the reasoning.

springtide Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:47

They have said they don't want to be dictated by Westminster.

Hopefully you understood it was tongue in cheek, just like the saying, "Wales doesn't care who they lose against in Rugby, as long as it's not the English" 

Over by there Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:48

Nooo, I love the Welsh. Dont let them leave.

Scotland on the other hand.....

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:48

New leader is not the first, this is a thing for the nationalists.

The membership numbers and voting turn out show where they stand however they nearly ended up with Wood as First Minister at the Assembly a few years ago with some coalition or another. Flipping minority party.

Side note. They they are getting closer to the age of 16 for voting than they are for independence.

Time to move to Cornwall I think.

Trollslayer Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:48

If they have a hankering to become instantly impoverished then why not ?
England has systematically destroyed Wales ability to be an independent nation over centuries.

It should be sneered at when it's jingoistic and has no sense of history. Yes I am proud to be English but I recognise the brutal side to English history alongside the positive stuff.

As for England leaving the UK ? While it might sound good, it would be just as time consuming and costly as leaving the EU. For one thing legally speaking, Sterling belongs to the United Kingdom. Not it's constituent members. Which was I believe pointed out during the Scottish Indy Ref. So we'd either need a new currency or a deal to continue using Sterling.

What we need in the UK ? Devolution of powers from Westminster to all parts of the UK. Which might mean a federal model for devolution or something else that's more palatable for UK tastes. It's one of the issues that will have to dealt with sooner rather than later.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 01:32:48

Unlike you, I don't accept any guilt for past generations. I'm only responsible for myself. I don't blame Scots for their ravaging of Northern England during various times. Not one person alive in Scotland bears any responsibility for that. Ditto for me and whatever "England" is meant to have done to Wales.

And in the interests of myself, I'd like an independent England. I'm sure the currency can be resolved, as could any other issues.
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