Welsh Independence
I can't actually believe this is a thing, but Plaid Cymru's new leader wants independence for Wales.Independence 'on the table' after Brexit
Pitching for independence, Mr Price told conference: "We can be fair and flourishing. We can be self-governing and successful.We can be Welsh and European."
Wales is significantly subsidised by the rest of the UK. I don't see how they could possibly go for independence without huge cuts to public spending.
Obviously figures will have improved since 2016, but then the difference between taxation raised and public spending was 24% of their GDP!
Wales’ status as poorest country in UK has been confirmed
How can they propose independence as any kind of realistic proposition? I think it just reflective of how badly the Westminster government is perceived in parts of the British Isles.In the first instance, I think is more a question of Wales getting more devolved powers - perhaps equivalent to Scotland.Once such power has become embedded in Wales, the country will be able to decide whether to steer towards independence or not. Postering. Independence would send them back to the dark ages Do we believe in polls?
Welsh independence - Wikipedia
If so there's little interest in it and another place that wouldn't survive without English money.
And they did vote for Brexit:
Welsh voters back Leave in EU poll
https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/south-wales-valleys-brexit-vote-leave-a8021051.html Fingers crossed they go for it.
Just a shame that English nationalism is so sneered at. I'd definitely vote for England to leave the UK. Does that include Cornwall?
  Then why not campaign for it? Why not do something about it?
You are normally the first to sneer at anyone else's independence proposals so why not go forth and promote your own? Let's not ruin yet another thread with petty bickering please  Well, Scotland had a referendum on independence and said no (much to my astonishment).
I have a suspicion Wales will also say no to independence if put to the vote. Much like a super star football player that wants to move on , let em go if they really want to as at that point they are not playing for the team, just themselves.