Chris Davies out - New by-election.
Welsh Tory MP unseated after petitionA by-election will be held in Brecon and Radnorshire after 10,005 people signed a petition to remove the constituency's Conservative MP, Chris Davies. The first test for the new Prime Minister then...
...and in the meantime the Tory/DUP majority has shrunk to 4. So the we can avoid excessive pointless discussion (some is fun, after all  )after the by-election, what would constitute a good result for the Brexit Party if they decide to field a candidate? A win, or another very close second place.Anything else would suggest they peaked at the EU elections and that was it.(Can but hope ) Don't forget if you add all the LibDem, votes etc, we really want to remain. Don't forget to add all the people that didn't vote as well, they were obviously all Remain Don't forget that id we lowered the voting age to 16 they'd all vote remain as well! And some of those old people who voted are not here anymore! And if it's close it needs to be run again. And the young will have to live with the decision made for longer...